I Accept You |•| Sting x Half Demon! Reader

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Two things, A; I suck at describing battles and B; I don't know that much about demon slayer magic DX so I apologize if I messed up!

I'd also like to point out, I had this story written a while back but never published it, so I'd like to think my writing style has improved a lot since then~

Btw! Sorry that there are so many time skips! DX

7 and 1/2 Years Previously

Age: 12

You were in your guild, Fairy Tail, and contrary to popular belief, you werent feeling like you belonged. People were scared of you and often called you a demon, which was half true since you are 50% demon. Although you hate being half demon, it meant that if your extremely angered you lose control and your eyes turn red. And you hate loosing control.

So to contradict that, you became a demon slayer. But you still hate using your power so you rarely use it.  Also your side power is shadow/dark magic.

Anyways, you took a job and couldn't complete it because you didn't want to use your magic. So of course the pink headed bratt decided to take it upon himself to mock you. But he didn't know that you didn't use your magic.

"You couldnt finish that job, seriously? It was an easy one too" Natsu said egging you on but you resisted. The worst part is it got the whole guilds attention. "I can't believe your magic is that weak!"

"Natsu, stop messing with Y/N" Lucy said trying to stop him but he wasn't having it

"You know I've never even seen your magic? Is it THAT weak that your too embarrassed to show us?" He said rolling his eyes as you kept staring at the desk, taking deep breaths to calm yourself. "So now you forgot how to talk too? Man you are pathetic"

"Natsu" Erza, knowing your secret, attempted to stop him.

"Natsu seriously? Why does it matter so much?" Even Gray started helping but that stupid pinkette wouldnt take the hint to stop

"No wonder no one is friends with you, you're embarrassing" he said and that was the last straw. You stand up harshly, knocking the chair over and clenched your fists until your knuckles turned white

You turn and glare at Natsu, your normal E/C eyes now burning red. Everyone gasped but you didnt care.

"Fine you wanna know what my magic is? Then fight me, if I win I tell you why I never use it and if I lose, I leave the guild? How bout that!?" You yell fiercely, you were loosing control.

"Fine! This is going to be easy!" He said yelling back at you


You guys were now outside, and people were betting on who was going to win, Erza, Levy and Mira voted on you since they know first hand how strong you are but everyone else chose Natsu.

"Fire dragon roar!" He yelled but you easily countered it

"Demon scream!" You yell hitting him directly, he's shocked and hurt but doesn't back down

"Fire dragon iron fist!" He yelled but you side stepped out of the way and decide to summon your 'friends'

"I call upon thee, reapers rise!" You yell and shadows form around you on the ground before surfacing and changing into reapers

They give out horrible screeches and surround Natsu, hurting him greatly. But he still stands, his resilience was causing you to start forming into your demon form

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