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"Do you like your gown? You keep on staring at it", said by a middle-aged lady, while looking at her daughter, who kept on staring at the red princess ball gown in a mannequin.

The girl was shocked and threw a quick glance to the lady.

"Mum? What are you doing here in my room?" the girl said in a very irritating tone. The lady just shook her head.

"I know I shouldn't be here. But..." the lady hasn't finished her statement when the girl immediately responded, "I don't need you here. Don't act as if you're concern with me or whatever."

"I know Scarlet. I'm very sorry," that's all what she can say. The lady knew that the reason why her daughter is not happy is because of her.

"Why is this happening to me? It's never my dream. I just wanted to be a normal girl, without all of these luxuries. I want to be a normal person mum! Just like you!" the girl couldn't keep her emotions anymore. She just wanted to release it all. For her, it's now or never.

The lady didn't say any word but she immediately give her daughter the warmest hug that she can ever give.

"I'm very sorry, Scarlet. I didn't mean to burden you with all the obligations that I left", said by the lady while still hugging and caressing her daughter's back.

Scarlet also hugged her mother and started bursting out in tears, when they both heard that someone opened the door.

"Scarlet why are you still awake? You should be sleeping by now", said by an old woman in a very authoritative voice.

"It's the queen, wipe your tears" said by Scarlet's mother as she tapped Scarlet's back and they both looked towards the queen's direction.

"Jessica? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be staying at your room. Are you trying to influence Scarlet to run off her obligations as well?" said by the queen in a sarcastic tone.

To prevent further personal damages, Scarlet immediately responded, "Your highness, I'm sorry. I just asked mum to spend some time with me before the coronation, because I may not be able to spend a lot of time with her when I'm already crowned as princess."

"I'll see you tomorrow Scarlet. Have a good night. If you'll excuse me your grace, I have to go." That was the last thing that Jessica said before she left the room of her daughter, leaving Scarlet and the queen.

"If only I could forbid you from seeing your mother." Said by the queen as soon as Jessica stepped out of the room and closed the door.

"With all your respect your grace, but how could you possibly say that to your first born?" she tried her best to not sound irritated but she failed, as she saw the old woman's eyebrows.

"What did you say? Are you trying to go against my will now? I never raised you like that. I never raised you to be like your mother. The late King and I prepared you for your royal duties. You shouldn't be acting like that. Don't disappoint me." said by the queen in full authority.

"I'm sorry, your grace." that's the only thing that Scarlet managed to say. She actually knew that she will never win a conversation with the queen so she immediately accepted to be defeated.

"You should take a rest now my princess. Tomorrow is the day that will change your life forever." said by the queen and she left the room.

As soon as the queen left her, Scarlet immediately grabbed her luggage and other stuff. She wrote a farewell letter to her family and placed it on her bed. She made her way down the castle as she escaped through her balcony. And when she reached the public road, she managed to call a cab and went to the airport.

Since, she was still the uncrowned princess, she managed to escape the country without making any fuzz and commotions. But she knew that the queen can trace her because of the documents and passport that she's using. That's why she literally hopped from one flight to another, one country to another and ended up staying in the Philippines.

"I'm sorry grandma. I just wanted to know what my real destiny is. In case being a princess is my real destiny, I'll be back soon."

Scarlet grabbed her things, called a cab, andmake her way to the nearest hotel that she can find.    

Liza Soberano in The Secret Life of a PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now