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8 AM, Pasay City, Philippines

Marriot Hotel

Stephanie woke up feeling a bit lonely.

She misses her family, most especially her younger brother.

They were so close. But sadly, she had to go. She's not selfish. She just can't accept the fact that her entire life has been dictated by her grandmother.

Everyone in their family, including extended family envies her.

They love seeing all of her flaws and capitalizing with it.

Some of her aunts love making fun of her and been always comparing her to them. Just because she's the heir to the throne and not them.

But as if she cares! She doesn't want to be a queen, or even a princess.

That's why she left.

And then she realized Jonathan offered his place to stay last night.

She shook her head and realized that she has to be independent. Just like according to her plan.

So, she immediately rise up from her bed and reach her mobile phone.

"I'll book an airbnb. I'm sorry Jonathan. I can't trust you. Most especially you're from Blois. They can trace me easily through you."

After booking an AirBnb, she packed all of her things and when downstairs to grab a quick breakfast.

As she went back to her room, she overheard some conversations in the hallway.

"Nabasa mo ba yung headline? Nawawala daw yung princess ng Blois."

"Blois? San yun?"
"Somewhere in UK daw."

She shook her head. She can't understand most of the words but she knew it's about her and her escape at her coronation. One more thing that bugs her is, she don't know if those people are literally talking about her or they finally knew that she is the runaway princess.

She immediately made her way to her room and finish packing all of her things. She can't waste time. She need to plan her new life here in the Philippines. She needs to learn the native languange as quickly as possible.

Around noon, she managed to book an Uber and made her way to her Airbnb located in Quezon City.

2PM, Quezon City, Philippines

SMDC Grass Residences

She rented a condo unit located in a nearest shopping mall. The unit was cozy. It was a studio type unit and her biggest problem is, fitting all of her clothes with a small built in closet.

"Manila Traffic! 4 hours and here? I'm gonna stay here for a month? Good luck Scar-Stephanie." she told herself.

"I still have enough money here but I don't wanna splurge buying some stuff that will end up a bad investment. Maybe I should look for a job? Then if I have income, I can start investing for a good house or even a car? Hmmmm. What kind of job?"

She opened her laptop and began looking for a job.

"Maybe I can try vlogging? No one can recognize me with my new look anyway." she smiled and reminisced how she love being in front a camera even when she was still a kid.

"Then I can try applying to these BPO companies! I'll vlog and work. I'll create a new brand for Stephanie Sanchez here in the Philippines. If I have a new crowd of followers then they will have a hard time identifying my as Scarlet since I'll have my own unique identity. I just have to play my cards well." she told herself while still browsing through the internet.

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