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2pm, Greenbelt 3
Makati City, Philippines

After watching a movie, Stephanie decided to go to Fullybooked to kill more time. Not knowing that she'll meet someone that will kill all of her loneliness.

She was seating in a couch while reading her favorite author's book, Shopaholic and Stars by Sophie Kinsella, when someone sat beside her.

She was seating in a couch while reading her favorite author's book, Shopaholic and Stars by Sophie Kinsella, when someone sat beside her

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"Is this seat taken?" the guy said after seating.

"Nope. Feel free to seat. Just like what you did." she said in a sarcastic tone.

"My apologies. That's very rude of me. I'll just find somewhere else to seat." he said.

"No it's ok. I actually have to go, so you can take this entire couch now." Stephanie said.

"Really? Thanks. I'm Josh by the way." he said and offered his hand for a shake hands.

"Stephanie. Nice to meet you Josh." she responded and accepted the shake hands.

"Nice to meet you too Stephanie." he said.

Stephanie smiled and looked at her watch. 

2:15 pm , as she read it in her mind. She finally pull off her confidence and asked, "Josh, are you really gonna stay here or you're just killing time?"

"Actually, I'm just killing time. Why? Are you?" he asked.

"Yup. I'm waiting for my final interview which is later at 6pm. I've been here since the mall opened." she said while faking a laugh to avoid any awkward air.

"Really? Well, I'm killing time kase coding yung car ko. Iniwan ko na nga yung car ko sa parking lot ng Makati Med kase hindi ko rin madadala dito. Alam mo naman yung traffic rules dito sa Makati. Sobrang mahigpit." he explained.

"Ah kaya pala. Teka bakit ka galing ng Makati Med? If you don't mind me asking?" she asked.

"I'm a doctor. Katatapos lang ng shift ko kaninang 9am." he answered.

"Ah ok..." she was interrupted by Josh.

"Gusto mong mag arcade? Or KTV? Or anything? Any suggestions to kill time?" he asked.

"Parang ok ako sa KTV. Saan ba? Red box?" she asked.

"Yup! Let's go!"

4:30 PM, Glorietta
Makati City, Philippines

After the KTV jamming, they became so close that they've even decided to eat dinner together.

"There's this Japanese restaurant in front of SM Makati na super sarap ng food. Ok lang ba na mag dinner tayo dun together? Kahit treat ko na." Josh asked while they're walking inside Glorietta.

"Sure. May time pa naman eh. 6pm pa naman ako kailangan dun sa final interview ko. And you don't need to treat me. We can split the bill. I can pay for my own food." She answered.

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