Don't forget where you belong

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Chapter 4

This morning I woke up, dried tears on my cheek and my pillow all wet. I dreamed of my life I had back in Quebec, it seemed so far away from now... I left my family in Quebec and moved in Montreal and then left Montreal to come live with Harry in London. I remember my mom telling me that she was afraid to lose me for ever if I ever leave for a place far from home... and it's kinda happening right now. I live happily here with Harry and with my bestfriend by my side; my mom's probably wondering why I'm so far from home and she probably thinks that I'll never come back home...

Harry: honey what's wrong? He asked as he saw my puffy eyes as I think back of my dream.

Mary: I think my mom's thoughts when I left home are becoming reality... I forget where I come from, it's just memories now.

Harry: I know you and my girl will never forget where she belongs. He said as he glanced at my tattoos, either the one on my foot and my arm. You made these for one reason; that swallow on your foot means that you'll always come back one day, even if you leave far from you home, just like they leave for the south when it becomes colder in the north. And that one on your arms it just says it: family.

He kissed me on the cheek to make me feel more secure about what he just said.

Harry: You may seem to forget your family, but believe me... you will never forget them and your native home, and if at a time you think you really forget your life before us, I will always be there to remind you, because I know how much you love them.

I gave him a huge hug, thanking him to reassure me from my dream. I kissed him softly on the lips and whispered a small but meaningful «thank you my love».


Later in the day, we got the visit of Harry's mom, Anne. She's sweet as candy; I love her so much, she's my mom here in England.

She came over to check on Harry and I, to see if everything was going fine with the house; I think she also to check on how I was going because I heard Harry talking on the phone with her this morning.

Mary: Anne why don't you stay for dinner, it would be nice to have some guest; call Robin and Gemma over, it would even more fun to have all the family at home. I asked a huge smile on, hoping she'll say yes.

Anne: Of course I will stay honey! She answered without any doubt. I'm going to call Robin and Gemma right away. She smiled back and left the room.

I was so happy she accepted to eat with us tonight, I'm quite missing my dinner my parents, my brother and his girlfriend. I like to have big dinner with my family it's so funny and cheerful to help past the few months after and the last years I haven't had the chance to have those kinda night much; I was mostly all alone with Lace and we were very busy with university and all the chores in the house, it was really nice but it wasn't like we were hanging out to the other house and we had nothing to care about than our joy.

Anne: They can all come over! They get prepared and they leave for your place. She said cheerfully as she entered the living room, where we were.

Harry: That’s a good news, it will be a great night. He said as he grab my thigh, looking straight into my eyes, to make me feel better and make me realise how much him and his family will always be there. 

One hour later, Robin and Gemma arrived.

Robin: Tok tok! He said as he enters the house.

Harry: Dad you gotta stop doing that joke. He said laughing at it.

Robin: You're still laughing so I'm not going to stop.

Harry told me that his stepdad always does that joke when he goes to family's and friend's house. Robin says that it starts well a night because people find it funny; He's quite right because I really laughed at his joke.

Gemma: Mary! She yelled as she saw me. I'm so happy to finally meet you face to face. You’re really gorgeous, even more than by a screen. She pulled me in a huge hug, smiling widely.

Mary: Wow thank you Gemma! I was really touched by her words, I mean when a girl beautiful like her tells you your gorgeous it's a big compliment! I am so happy to meet you in real too! I return you the compliment, you're so beautiful. I said a bit shy to admit it since I have always been jealous of her beauty.

Robin: Hi Mary I'm Robin, Harry's stepdad. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, welcome in the family sweetheart! He greeted me with a hug.

Mary: Hi Robin, it's nice to meet either, Harry have talked to me a lot about you and how much you've been a great dad to him since he's childhood. You too have made him a really good person and I'm glad our road met years ago!

A tear felt down of Anne's eyes, they were both very touched by my words.

I left Harry with his family and got in the kitchen to prepare dinner. Gemma joined me in the kitchen to help me with the meal.

Mary: Thanks for helping me Gemma, I really appreciate it.

Gemma: Family's there for that Mary. She smirked at me.

We both stayed in silence for few minutes, just prepared what we needed for the recipe.

Gemma: Harry told me that you’re afraid to forget where you belong and it affects you a lot.

Mary: yeah... It gets me at every time, I tried to keep everything inside not to show my weak side to her.

Gemma: Honey believe me, can't go to the other end of the world and have the biggest fun but you'll never forget your home. I saw your tattoos and trust me, they aren't just ink they have strong meaning for you and you made these because you really cared about their meaning. Don't blame you if you have fun and your happy here, maybe your heart belongs here by Harry's side but you're always be the little girl from Quebec.

My jaw broke down at her words. I couldn't believe how much she understood my story and it's the only time we have met in real. I pulled her into a big, meaningful hug.

Mary: I am so happy to have you in my family Gemma. My voice cracked on those words and I felt tears filling in my eyes, rushing to fall down.

She started holding me even tighter and it made me feel better, knowing she will be there for me in any situation.

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