15. "You Get Hurt, You Hurt 'Em Back."

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The people of Sokovia were very confused when we told them to evacuate their homes. But thanks to Wanda Maximoff and her strange ability, she was able to coerce them into leaving. The rest of us pointed the way out. The less civilians, the less risk for a big casualty count.

Steve and I acted as a pair, guiding the confused Sokovian people out of the way. We had our designated area; Clint, Pietro, Thor, Aria, and Wanda had their own areas. Tony, meanwhile, was seeking out Ultron. He and Vision would take care of the killer robot.

It's working. All ages were slowly leaving their homes. Most were complacent, not asking any questions. Some looked confused by our presence, some wary, others hopeful. Some had to know we were here and doing what we were doing for a good reason. We wouldn't call for an evacuation for no reason.

The ground began to shake. People started screaming, and the robot army emerged from the ground. Civilians scattered, Steve and I ushered them out of the way. Keep them going, I'll go on offense. I spewed fireballs from my palms as robots swarmed our area.

"Go!" Steve was shouting, moving people along even faster. It was becoming a task. They were frightened, all sense of logic gone from their minds. We were diving into sheer panic mode now, with them. They're making this difficult.

The ground rumbled more now, more violently. I kept fighting what robots came my way, but I remained focused on the ground. I could hear it groaning under my feet, and I saw it begin to split apart.

This sent civilians into an even deeper panic.

"Move, move!" I demanded. People jumped the small cracks, and I lithely moved. Parts of the ground began to fall apart, and then I suddenly realized we were airborne. "Steve!"

"I see it!" he yelled back to me, slightly panic in his blue eyes.

"Cap, Kia, you got incoming," said Tony.

"Incoming already came in," Steve panted. A robot melted, catapulting itself to the ground as my fire licked at its metal. "Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, you hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off."

"How are we supposed to walk off death?" Aria's voiced crackled over comms.

"Figure of speech, Aria," I told her. "We'll work on those after we save Sokovia."

Ahead of Steve and I, the bridge we stood on had already broken in half. Cars were being swallowed up from the gap. We made a break for the red car with the screaming woman inside. Our hands just missed her rear bumper, and the car and she tipped over. Steve and I looked down in horror.

I see her, said Thor. In a rush of wind, the God of Thunder shot down to the red car. Steve slid down to the edge of the bridge, dangling. I nearly shouted at him for being stupid, but then I realized what was happening. Thor shot the lady upwards, and Steve caught her.

"I got you!" he assured her. "Just look at me. Look at her."

We made quick work for helping the woman up on the bridge. I pulled her with me as one of Ultron's robots closed in on us.

"You can't save them all," it rasped in Ultron's voice. "You'll never..."

Steve grabbed the robot and threw it over the chasm of the bridge. "You'll never what? You didn't finish!" In that same second, Thor returned with another car. The man who was inside stumbled out and vomited. Steve and I looked to him. "What, were you napping?"

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