6. Aria's Choice

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"Why are we fighting up here? Don't you have a training room?" Aria asked me.

"Sure we do. I just wanted some air. Besides, we can't do a lot of harm up here. There's nothing to really hurt."

We were on the roof of the Tower, Tony's party a few days off still. Aria was still in debate on whether or not to return to Asgard after, so for now, she was occupying her mind with other things, like training. Our hair was pulled back out of our faces.

Aria ran for me, and I easily moved out of her way. She tried to sweep me off my feet with strong wind, but I countered that with a stream of fire. The two collided, and my fire exploded in between us. Aria stumbled back from the heat, and the fire vanished as I called it back to my palms.

"Whoa," she whispered in awe.

"It comes in handy when a fire needs putting out," I said. "Keep going."

The sun beat down on us, and birds cheered us on as they flew overhead. Aria and I sparred, alternating between using our powers and not using them. We both began to work up a sweat, and after a time, when I got a hit on Aria's face, we called it quits.

"Have you given it any more thought to where you're going to be in a few days?" I asked, catching my breath.

Aria tossed her hair. "I have. And I'm pretty sure I know where I want to be."

"Where's that?"

"Here. Yes, I miss home. I'm sure you still miss it from time to time. But the thing is...I've been away for a while now, and after a time, I lost that feeling of being homesick. Now that I'm free, I've got all of these opportunities in front of me. On Asgard, I doubt I could make much of a difference, but here...I can make myself into something. I can be a hero, just like you."

I smiled. "You know it won't be easy, right? Nobody walks in and declares themselves an Avenger."

"I know it won't be." She raised her chin. "I want to learn how to fit in on Earth, since HYDRA deprived me of that."

"Well, it's a good thing you're in the right hands," I told her, "because if there's one person who can teach you how to mingle, it's Tony Stark."

"He's the man who flies in that metal suit of armor?"

"Yes, that's him."

"Good, I'm getting a handle on identities. Still a bit fuzzy with names, though. But the Captain is your boyfriend, I know Thor obviously. The woman with the red hair..."

"That's Natasha."

"And the man who's in recovery, that's her...boyfriend?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Partner."

"But aren't those the same thing?"

I sighed. "They aren't, believe me. They're good friends with a history together, but not a romantic history. I don't delve into other's pasts much, it's not my place."

"Did you ever delve into Steve's?"

"Of course. I let him know about mine."

"Which would be what?"

I bit my lip. "Something you don't get to hear just yet."

"But we're friends, Kiara!"

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