~Chapter 1~

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Hazel Myles as Mila Kunis - pic on the side


"Go and put these back for me darling, they've touched the mince" my mum shoves the cookies in my face and nudges me.

"Why, the meat is packaged" I laughed.

"Hurry please Hazel" she rolls her eyes.

"Your bipolar mum" I walk away hearing her chuckle as she loads up the rest of the shopping onto the conveyer belt.

Yes as you can probably now guess, I (an 18 year old) am out helping my mother shop: In Morrisons.

Bending down to drop the cookies and grab a new packet, I hear a commotion down at the end of the isle.

A bunch of rowdy guys staring at the women in front of them who is reaching up to grab an item.

I stood upright and just about caught on to their conversation.

"Aw man look at that booty" one blonde guy whisper shouted to his friend.

I could have wet myself laughing as the woman snapped her head around to glare at them before roughly picking up her basket and striding away.

Then four pairs of eyes snapped to mine and my laughter died. A blush rose on my cheeks and my eyes wandered to the the floor, my face hidden behind my hair. I'm so glad I decided to chuck a glass of water at my mum to prove to her how much I did not want my hair cut into a bob. A bob! Even though she screamed at me, I get to hide behind my coffee coloured hair, which comes in handy at times like these.

A growl caused my head to snap up and my eyes to widen. What was that! I noticed the blonde guy gripping onto his friends arm as he pulls him out of the isle and into another.

My eyebrows crease into a frown as I make my way back to my mum to see her scowling at me.

"What took you so long Hazel?" she has her arms crossed over her chest and her foot tapping on the floor.

"Oh, I um...whacked my head on something and caused everything to tumble down" I said nodding, pleased with my answer and rocking on the balls of my feet.

"Hmm..right, start packing for me then please"

I groan and mumble a curse.

I scoot around mum and grab a plastic bag. Urg! I can't get this frigging bag to open! Turning my head sideways in frustration, I spot the very same group of rowdy guys from before paying for their stuff at the till next to mine.

Blonde guys friend is staring at me. Oh God breathe Hazel breathe. He has sparkling green eyes above a straight nose and full mouth which is all underneath very sexily styled hair. His sryled stubble makes him all the more hotter.From what I can see he's a muscly man. This is candy to my eyes!

He grins at me which turns my legs to mush. My heart pounds in my chest and feels as if it will rip right out. Oh jeez.

"Let's go darling" my mum says snapping me out of it, turning around I grab the trolley and push with all my strength. Really, am I that weak? Nah, she just went overload on the shopping- as per usual.

"Gosh, how much did you get!?"

"Not much considering what I usually get at tescos" she checks her receipt, scanning to see if the cashier didn't give her the ten percent off on some foods.

We parked out the back because the roads were all full, and well, you have to pay to use the car park. £2:00 for an hour! Rip off!!

But the back is like a real mini car park, it only fits about nine cars and I guess we were one of those lucky nine today.

After we loaded the car I jumped into the passenger seat put on my seatbelt and flipped on the radio to hear that dark horse by Katy perry was on. Oh yeah this is my jam, I start humming softly to the tunes.

"Put on your seatbelt"

"I'll put it on in a sec stop worrying child" she says rolling her eyes at me. Phhht! Well excuse me for caring about your safety!

Looking out the window bobbing my head to the music we pull out of the car parking space to see another car also pulling out. Their shiny clean silver jaguar hits the sun and reveals four smirking familiar looking guys. The guy with the sexy hair style has his hands resting on the wheel as he stares right into my eyes.

A shiver rolls down my spine and arms as I look away.

"Mum pull back, let them go first" I rush out.

"No! They will pull back the a** wipes!"

My eyes widen and I burst out laughing, slipping on the leather seat as I clutch my stomach.

"M..mum did you just call them-"

"Yes I did and do not repeat them, you hear me" she cuts me of to snap at me.

I hold my hot cheeks and massage them seen as they're hurting from laughing so bad. Giggling I turn my eyes back towards the guys to see them pulling back with a scowl on their faces.

Mum hits the pedal and speeds out but not before flipping them the bird through the window.

"Mum! Now that was uncalled for!" Laughing I look back to see them turning around.

"What... I didn't do anything" she said slyly with a smirk on her face.


Looking at the trees whipping past the car window I hum along to another song that's on the radio. Its about six ish so its getting darker outside and the wind has picked up a lot. It's the beginning of January, well the third to be specific and it's freaking freezing!

I can't see a single star in the sky, probably because of all the storm clouds. The first drop of rain hits the windscreen hard, being soon followed by a thousand others. Lightening flashes ahead of us making me jump in surprise, I didn't even hear the thunder.

A once silent car has changed to be very loud with a gazillion raindrops pounding on the windows and lightning bolts to the ground.

A car in the opposite lane had their lights on too bright blinding me and mum of the road ahead.

As we couldn't see, we didn't realise there was a corner and it sent the car skidding before flipping over and rolling down what seems a hill. Screaming, My head thrashes around, hitting the roof of the car before hitting the window and hearing it shatter beneath my ear against the side of my head.

In my shocked and hazy state I blink slowly in hopes to rid of the black dots swirling my vision and drift them over the inside of the car.

Blood is splattered over the dashboard and windscreen, the agonising pain all over my body is excruciating but I don't have enough energy to scream out in pain or call for help.

Trying to turn my head to see my mother is impossible because as I tilt it the slightest bit, shooting pains go up my spine into my neck and pounds into my skull.

A growl reaches my ears and muffled voices but that soon drifts away into the background when my vision slowly starts seeping away and the darkest colour black soon engulfs me, dragging me into the unwanted pit of unconsciousness.


Next chapter, Hazel's life is beginning to drastically change...

Ok, first chapter finished, future chapters will gradually get longer :) I hope you like it and continue to read because I have a lot in store for you ;)

(I'm writing this book on my iPod)

Please like and comment as this is my first book that I'm determined to finish! :D

Keep reading!


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