~Chapter 4~

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Pic of Mason and Justin on the side -


My legs feel as if they are about to snap, the stitch in my side is excruciatingly painful and my head is pounding, feeling like its about to explode.

Leaning against a tree, I gulp down air as I clutch my side in hopes that the pain stops.

Looking around, I'm surrounded by tall trees and bushes. listening hard, I hear the slight sound of growls in the distance.

Worried, I slide out an arrow and bring forth my bow, positioning the arrow in the bow. Holding the bow down, I slowly walk around and soon, I find an open space of land imbedded in the woods, but the thing is, it was already occupied.

Gulping, I push some leaves away from my face and get a clear look of the commotion in front of me.

Twenty muscly guys stand in two rows to the left, and about the same number of guys stand to the right, however their appearance looking at bit more in need of a wash and some new clothes.

"You are in my territory, why have you trespassed into my lands!?" A strong voice booms.

Snapping my head to the source of the voice, I let out a small gasp when I realised it was Raven. Tristan and Logan was at his side along with two others and the rest was behind him.

The opposing guy laughed bitterly, an annoying smirk appearing on his dirty face.

"Oh you know why don't you Raven." He laughed again.

Raven growled so deep and fierce that I felt vibrations through my feet.

"We was hoping to have killed them both that night, but apparently we only managed to kill the one. Shame, it would've made it easier for us, but hey, who doesn't like a challenge." His words laced with sarcasm and humour. His eyes filled with an evil darkness.

"You will not touch her, nor will you ever lay eyes on her again!" Raven shouts.

"Oh really. But who I really want to find, is the grandmother, the wife of the husband who brutally murdered my grandfather and his family including my parents whilst I was at school when I was six, so that I can kill her to in the same most brutal way." The dirty guy shouts.

"Your grandfather deserved it, he was a sick minded man! He took Raymond's wife and repeatedly abused her, forcing her to love him when she rejected him when he was younger because she had found her mate, Raymond!" I can see Ravens eyes changing colour just like the twins had. Is he...

Shocked I stared at the both of them as they discussed what obviously happened in the past.

"He loved her, she drove him into insanity. But the most important thing, is that your mates grandfather murdered my whole family, and I won't stop killing his family line as revenge." He spoke, his voice dripping with anger but I could also sense sadness.

"He was wrong to kill your family Dexter, but he didn't plan to kill the whole family line like your planning to kill theirs, he did it absentmindedly out of anger for his wife,your doing it for revenge." Raven had his arms across his chest and a deep scowl across his gorgeous face. Yes, not gonna lie, he is the sexiest man I have ever seen, but will I admit that to him? No.

"Nobody will stop me from fulfilling this plan, not even you Mr all high and mighty." Dexter says sarcastically rolling his eyes.

I can see that Ravens eyes are scarily pure black and so are all of his intimidating friends. My pulse quickens when I hear the sound of bones cracking and clothes tearing and multiple growls fill the air.

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