1 / The Same Dream

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Festus landed with a soft thump on the soft white sand. Almost before he’d landed I jumped from his back and mentally scanned my surroundings.


Sand swirled up in front of me, forming an oval shaped portal and out of the portal stepped Hermes, God of Messengers. The sand dropped back to the ground as he slowly advanced towards me.

“So you came.” He said, talk about stating the obvious!

I balled my fists, ready to fight even though I knew I’d stand no chance against a god.

“Where is she?” I growled.

Hermes had the nerve to laugh,

“You didn’t need to bother coming, she’s gone.”

“Gone?” I couldn’t believe it! Gone where? How? When? 

“And they told me you were clever!” thunder boomed in the sky, at least Dad was sticking up for me. “The minute she fell in love with you her curse lifted, sure it took some time for her to work it out, even longer for her to work out how to leave…”

“Wait! Her curse has been lifted! Mending the compass, fixing Festus, it’s all been for nothing because she’s not even here!” 

“Not for nothing I guess, but no, she isn’t here. I imagine you’ll find her if you head back to your ship, it must be almost back to Long Island by now.”

And with that he crumbled into sand. The ground rumbled, trees began to fall, the ocean hammered against the beach. Ogygia was slowly being destroyed now that it wasn’t needed any more. I climbed back up onto Festus’ back and-

With a start I woke up. Curled in a corner of a rocky cave with the noise of the sea outside so loud outside I was amazed I’d managed to fall asleep at all.

Festus creaked from across the cave.

“It’s ok Festus, just dreaming again.”

More creaks from Festus but I didn’t bother to answer. It wasn’t like this was the first time I’d dreamt about my return to Ogygia.

As we’d been heading back to camp after defeating Gaia, I’d finally fixed the compass Odysseus made and found Calypso’s island. I’d got there only to discover that she was already free. We’d returned to camp and everyone had been so happy to see her, saved at last. Everyone except one person that is.

I rolled over. 2 weeks, 3 days and 6 hours since I’d left camp half-blood to try and find her again. And I will find her again. I will…

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