16 / Mount Tam

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My lasting memory of Mount Tam, when I finally got there, was the smell of eycoluyptus (No idea how to spell that)

Oh, that and the dragon. But that's not important, I snuck round the long green dragon that curled round the path up the mountain and made it to the summit.

There was no trace left of the Titan fortress that had once stood there, only rock and some tough long grass that had somehow managed to grow on the top of the mountain.

There only appeared to be one thing missing : the titan I'm looking for.

"Atlas!" I yelled stupidly, "Show you big ugly face right now or I swear to all the gods-"

I stopped suddenly as a blast of cold air hit me, nearly making me stumble it was so strong.

"Well well well." a loud voice boomed across the flat top of the mountain. "To what do I owe the pleasure."

The voice was heavy with sarcasm. I tried to work out where it was coming from but it seemed to be coming from every direction.

"You know why I'm here!" I yelled, "Show yourself, coward!"

Most swirls up from the ground 10 feet in front of me and when it fade I see him.


Hunched over with his arms raised above his head as he struggles with the weight of the world.

His face was full of hate, anger, strain and, just a little, confusion?

"Tell me, child-of-fire, why are you here?" he growled.

"You know why I'm here!" I yelled, sticking a hand into my tool belt and closing my fingers around the handle of a hammer, "Where is she?!"

"Where is who?" he hissed.

"Don't pretend you don't know!" I hiss, "Where is she, where's Calypso!?"

The Titan let out a bark of laughter.

"That worthless traitor?" he taunted, "Why - Oh but of course! You love her. And did she tell you she loved you? She's a lying worthless traitor. Really you should thank me for, dealing with her."

Fists clenched, I yelled,

"Lier! She's the sweetest, kindest, most wonderful person in the world!"

As I think back to it, my words were childish but I was tired, so tired! Of struggling and fighting and searching. And I couldn't wait a minute longer, not when I was so close to finding her.

"Do you want me to tell you about her!" I fumed, yanking out my hammer and marching up to the six-foot all-powerful Titan and waving it in front of his cold eyes. "Calypso, she's bright and full of life. She's always got a smile on her face, she's quick to laugh, quick to forgive. She's the person who'll give you a second chance. She's the person who'll forgive you for being an idiot. She's the person who goes over to the little girl standing all by herself at the edge if the bonfire and invites her over to meet her friends. She's the person who gives you her marshmallow when you drop yours in the fire. She's the person who comforts you when your feeling down. She's the person who humbles you when your being a twit. She's the person who laughs with you when your happy. She's the person who calms you when you're mad. She's my life, the wind beneath my wings.

And what's more," I added, as I suddenly realised something, "You don't know where she is."

I spun in my heel and marched away across the flat top if the mountain. Leaving the shocked titan staring after me in shock.

Atlas doesn't have her.

I could see it in his face, he doesn't know where she is. It's not him that has her captured.

And as these thought whirl through my brain, I slowly begin to realise what this means.

If Atlas doesn't have Calypso, them someone else does.

And who was it told me that it was Atlas who had her?

"Nemesis!" I yell at the sky.

I'd walked right to the edge of a cliff, from the top of the mountain to the bottom where the waves crash against rocks.

"Nemesis!" I shout at the waves at the foot of the cliff, "I know you have her! Haven't I suffered enough?! Where is she!"

A breeze has picked up, and I vaguely notice that it's getting stronger. Any person with a head on their shoulders would at this point, step away from the 500 foot drop, but no. I'm Leo Valdez, and I stand at the top of a cliff in the middle of a squall.

So really, you should be able to guess what happens next.

The wind whipped around me, suddenly much stronger. Taken by surprise, I staggered towards the cliff edge.

A final gust of wind caught me off balance and I stepped onto the edge if the cliff. The weather beaten earth at my feet crumbled away and -

- I was free-falling through time. Plummeting towards the water beneath.

I heard the ghost of a harsh laugh on the wind as I fell through nothingness.

A/N - Um, yeah... Sorry for the VERY late update. I just haven't been able to get into a rhythm with my writing. I started this chapter about 3 different times and then deleted it because I was writing a load if rubbish.

This isn't my finest chapter, but I wanted to give any readers I have left an update. I hope I've made up for it slightly by making this chapter quite dramatic if quite shot.

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