4 / City of Angels

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A/N - yeah, when I published ch 3, I was on a mega sugar high. Yes, Khione kissed Leo. Problem? No? Good.

Love ya peeps! :p


Festus landed on the deck of the Argo II with a loud thud.

No-one was on deck.

Perfect, now if I could just slip down to my cabin and pretend to be asleep, maybe no-one will even have noticed I dissiapeared for the night...


I groaned. Piper.

She sprinted across the deck and hugged me tight.

Then she slapped me hard across the face.

"OW! Pipes?!"

"Where in Hades name have you been?! We've been searching and searching for you! 4 days Leo?! How could you!"

"What, 4 days? I've only been gone one night!"

Piper shook her head slowly.

The other members of the crew began to appear on deck behind her.

Annabeth and Hazel both ran forwards to hug me too.

I could see Frank exercising great self-control not to run and slap me as his girlfriend hugged me.

Then another face appeared and I remebered Hermes word, 'I imagine you'll find her if you head back to your ship'

Percy cleared his throat.

"Yeah, guys it's 3am, maybe we can talk about this in the morning?"

There were a couple of mumbles of 'Ok' and 'Yeah, it can wait till morning' and everyone began to make their way back to their cabins.

"Um, Leo?" It was Percy, he ganced over his shoulder at Annabeth who was waiting for him at the top of the stairs.

"What?" I was really not in the? mood right now, Calypso was standing on the deck near the stairs down to our rooms. Percy ushered her over.

"Um, Leo, this is Calyso, Calypso this is-"

"We've met." Calypso said shortly. She's giving me a weird look. Like she can't decide if she's pleased to see me, or angry with me. Probably angry.

Percy looked from Calypso to me, then back at Calypso.

"So, Leo, Calypso's been sleeping in your room while you were missing, but now you're back..."

"It's ok," Calypso shrugged, "I'll sleep on the sofa in the main room."

Part of me, (only a little part, oh all right, a bit part) wished she'd said we would just share my room...

I sat in the entrance to a small cave overlooking the city of angels.

2 days.

That's how long it took Festus and I to fly from one side of the USA to the other. Not bad.

Again and again my brain re-played those few weeks we had together.

The sun slowly began to creep up over the horizon. The city was soon bathed in a gloden light. Beautiful.

Calypso would have loved to sit and watch the sun rise.

I wonder if she can see the sun now, where-ever she is.

In a few hours I'll go down to the city and explore. All going well, I'll find Nemesis and she'll tell me what to do to get Calypso back. Asuming nothing goes wrong. Which it almost certainly will.

I try to stand up, but a stabbing pain explodes in my chest. I sink back down to the ground, gasping for breath.

Not again.

This happened last night as well, and the night before that. A sudden pain in my chest.

After a few deep breaths, the pain almost disappears.

It stuggle to my feet again, whatever's wrong with me can wait until after I've resued Calypso.

There is nothing in the world more important than rescueing her.


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