Chapter 11

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Sebastian and I walked into the institute side by side.

"Wow this place is..."


I laughed at my big brother and his face expression.

"Saga." I looked up to see Alec standing there.


I walked slowly up to him, leaning up for a hug as his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Where have you been? I was so worried when you didn't..."

"Alec, I'm fine. I bumped into Sebastian." I said turning to my brother.

"Hi, I'm Sebastian Verlac." Sebastian said as Alec looked at him.

"Well, thank you for watching her." Said Alec as Sebastian nodded.

"I got her now, as much as I love Saga to have friends. She hasn't been the best of help..."

"Alec." I said stopping my best friend.

"I haven't had anything bad happen since I found Sebastian. He helped a lot." I said.

Alec looked at Sebastian crossing his arms, taking the role of best friend big brother.

"Fine, he can stay here. But if he does anything I'll."

"Alexander please."

"Fine." Alec said stepping back as Sebastian smiled.

Alec went to go find Jace as I brought Sebastian to my room.

I sat on my cozy bed as Sebastian looked around my room.

He stopped at a picture of Clary and I when we were seven.

"Who's this?"

"My twin sister, Clary. I'm the oldest." I said.

"You two don't look a lot a like." Sebastian said.

"Yeah, she got our moms looks. I got Valentine's." I said the words burning my mouth.

Sebastian sat down on my bed as I brought my knees up to my chin.

"What about your family? You never mentioned anything about them." I said.

"There's not much to talk about." Sebastian said.

My door opened as Clary stepped in, I smiled wickedly at my twin as I ran to hug her.

"I've missed you so much." We both said even if it's only been 3 days.

"Sebastian." I said pulling Clary.

"This is my sister, Clary. Clary this is my friend Sebastian." I introduced them.

"Pleasure to meet Saga's twin sister." Sebastian said.

"You too. Simon said Raphael needed to talk to you." Clary said.

I stayed sift as Sebastian looked at me with confusion.

"Raphael? The ex fiance you were talking to last night?" Sebastian asked as I nodded.

"I know what he did was wrong, but he loves you and I know you still love him. Go talk to him."

Clary walked out after that as Sebastian touched my hand.

"If it helps, I'll come with you." He said as I smiled.

"You're the best guy a girl could ever ask for." I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

     I stared at the hotel Delmort as Sebastian stood beside me.

"Shall we go in?" He asked as I sighed.

"If we must, he should learn the concept of 'I don't want to see you ever again'." I told my brother as I headed into the hotel, Sebastian behind me.

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