Fifty-Seven...Sir Ector's Joy...

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Fifty-Seven…Sir Ector’s Joy…

I sat contemplating Drusilla’s words until the darkness swept in and then Troilus came to escort me down to the hall. His surprise at my attire when I opened the door was evident on his face. ‘My Lady, may I say that you look stunning this evening.’ I blushed and murmured my thanks awkwardly.

            Arm in arm he and I walked steadily but without rushing down the stairs, where we had to momentarily break apart and go in single file, on reaching the landing he took my arm once more and leant close to my ear to whisper a reassurance. ‘Do not worry Nim, Sir Ector will be pleased to see you both, fear not for the others.’

            I smiled at him, plastering on a fake confidence, ‘Troilus I fear nothing tonight.’

            With that the servant opened the double doors and we entered into the hall where we had met Drusilla earlier that day, she and Arthur were already present alongside a few of their knights.

            I curtsied, ever aware of appearances, ‘My Lady, My Lords, good evening.’

            Drusilla smiled warmly, inclining her head, ‘Lady Nimue you are most welcome here, we wait now upon my husband and a few of the menfolk, then dinner shall be served.’

            ‘My lady I look forward to meeting with your husband once again, his presence in Camelot always brings joy, he is a generous and godly man.’

            ‘Indeed, and the arrival of yourself and my son is sure to make him even more jovial in his manner.’

            ‘Thank you madam, may I inquire after your eldest son, Sir Cei, is he well and out of bed?’

            ‘Not out of bed of yet but on the mend, he will be with us no doubt when we break fast.’

            ‘That I am pleased to hear of that my lady.’ I lied smoothly; inside I was already fearing my reunion with Cei.

            Thankfully, at that moment, the forced pleasantries were interrupted as Sir Ector and three men swept into the room.

            Ector drew up short, spotting me before Arthur, ‘Nimue!’ he exclaimed, ‘My dear child! Where is my son? Is he here with you?’

            Grinning I answered, ‘Yes my lord.’ And stepped aside allowing Arthur to stride forward to embrace his father.

            It was a perfect moment, they drew apart and Ector stood back to get a good look at him. ‘You’ve grown since last we met,’ he stated proudly but with a hint of sadness.

            ‘Yes father, I shall be your height soon enough.’

            Ector laughed, ‘wait till you see Cei he looks like he’s been stretched out on the rack, he’s got so tall.’

            Arthur chuckled, ‘he was always the tall one.’

            ‘Indeed yes,’ nodded Ector in agreement, ‘but you’re the intelligent one,’ he added in a mock whisper, his eyes twinkling.

            ‘I don’t know about that father.’ Protested Arthur modestly.

            ‘From what I hear from the master Merlin and Troilus you have excelled in leaps and bounds within your studies.’ Again his expression was one of pride in his younger adopted son.

            Once more my best friend protested against the praise and to my embarrassment did so by pulling my part into the forefront of the conversation. ‘I could not have progressed as I did without those two excellent men though father, nor without Nimue. She has constantly challenged me both in literature and maths but within our combat training too, I have learnt much from her.’

             Ector turned back to me, the kindest and most thankful smile lighting up his aging face. ‘Ah Nimue, I should have known you would be good for my son.’

            I fought back the flushing of my skin and replied, ‘he has been good to me too Sir Ector, we must not forget how he has challenged me.’ I did not hear the slight innuendo in my own words but clearly some of the men interpreted one as they chuckled quietly amongst themselves for a moment.

            Ector paid no attention but instead invited us all to sit to dine. He sat at the head of the table, Arthur to his right, Drusilla to his left and I beside her, to Arthurs other side sat Troilus and then the knights who had ridden with us and then Ector’s own men. It was an informal and jovial affair, the food was splendid after our days of travelling and I quickly fell into easy conversation with Drusilla and one of Sir Ector’s men who was sat beside me.

            His name was Geraint and he had been with the family since his own father had died four years previously, thus he had never known Arthur. He was a few years older than myself and spoke of adventures and hunts with ready enthusiasm but unlike others he did not sound foolish or careless. I took an immediate liking for him, sure, without a hint of prophecy that he would be a good man for Arthur to have on his side.  

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