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•|Lawrence, Kansas, Monday|•
I walked through the busy, cramped hallway of Lawrence College dodging and sliding out of jocks and preppy girls ways. "Oh dear God this is gonna take so long..." I said under my breath. I accidentally shouldered this small, pale skinned, red haired girl "Ope! Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I'm sorry!" I said in a heavy southern accent "Um no you're fine. I'm Charlie Bradbury by the way." Charlie carefully picked up her books and I bent down to grab the others.

"You're from Oklahoma, aren't you?" She asked me "Uh yeah. Could ya tell?" I replied in a heavily drawn accent "Boy, ah tell you whaut, these here people shure gettin better at this!" I called out laughing she laughed a little, then she stopped, "Holy great hellfire she's beautiful..." she whispered almost drooling.

I turned around to see this tall 6'2" brown haired emerald green eyed boy, he was wearing a worn leather jacket and a short maybe 5'6" black haired brown eyed girl, with a black flowy dress on, on his arm walking toward us. I've seen him before. But I can't put my finger on it.

The tall guy kept his eyes on me as he walked down the hall, he winked and raised an eyebrow and had a cocky grin. "Uh, locker!" I yelled out just in time for him to turn around and smack his forehead on it. I snorted in a laugh and watched him get up from the floor holding his forehead

•|Couple Hours Later|•
I walked in to my fourth hour class and seen the leather jacket guy sitting in the back. He waved for someone to come and sit by him. "Me?" I mouthed pointing to myself. He nodded and waved frantically for me. So like any girl would, I rushed over there and sat down, "Hey,I'm Dean. Dean Winchester." He said with a cocky side grin. "Kasey. Kasey Sullivan. Nice to meet you Dean. Wait, aren't you dating someone?" I asked him politely moving his hand from my thigh, "Not anymore, me and Lisa aren't together any more... Oops?" He laughed quietly. Then I had noticed how quiet it was in the room. The teacher was in there.

"All right students, settle down." He scanned the class room "We finally have a new student this year. Kasey Sullivan." I heard my name being called out "What?" I called out "Stand up, Miss. Sullivan, let everyone see you!" I stood up with a death glare at the teacher, "Now Miss. Sullivan, I am Mr. MacLeod, so tell us about you." I noticed the light Scottish-British accent in his voice.

"Well, I'm 28 about to turn 29, uh, I'm 1/4 Irish , 1/4 Scottish, and the rest—as far as I know of— American. I like long walks on the beach, sunsets and reading in the rain." I said making the other kids laugh, I joined in shortly. "Can I sit down please?" I begged "Sure." He granted permission and I sat down.

The rest of the day dragged on...

SO THATS ITS FOR NOW UNTIL TOMORROW. I'll update hopefully every Monday/Tuesday. If I don't in that time I'll post extra the next week. So that's it for this chapter

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