Well Hello There...(kind of gory...)

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A/N- Kasey's dad has a Spongebob when he's happy sounding voice. He's now a model/actor too
I got a call from Michael and he said he was waiting at the Sacramento National Airport. I rode there and waited for my "father". "Karen!" He yelled running to me. "It's actually Kasey." I corrected him hatefully. "Karen, Kasey, same thing. No difference! How've you been?" He said trying to hug. "Hug me and I'll fucking kill you." He backed away. "Where have you been all these years Michael? You left me when I was 13. Mom died, you got depressed. Then Caleb died too and you left me. You know how much I've hated you? So much that if my boyfriend see you, he's gonna kill you. I said he could. Me, him, his brother, and they're friends are all killers. This stays in your mind, because if it doesn't I'll know exactly who to blame." I said walking to my motorcycle.

He ran after me with his bag on his shoulders. "Where we going?" He said getting on the back, "Lawrence, Kansas. After I get my shit from the motel I'm staying at." I said.

•|After I got my stuff we left and are now in Bailey, Colorado|•
We stopped at a Biggersons to eat. After we ate we kept driving. Nothing was said between us until we got to Kansas. "Hey, Kasey? I need to, uh, take a pitstop.." he said. I pulled the bike over and he got off and did his business.

We kept going until Lawrence, Kansas. I pulled into the bunkers garage and parked the bike. "Sam! Dean! I'm back!" I yelled out. I heard loud hurried footsteps, they were running, I was literally tackled by Dean, we laid on the ground and he kissed me over and over and over again, "Okay! Okay! I get it you missed me! Get off!" I hollered laughing, Sam walked over and hugged me, his hug lingering for awhile.

"Sam, Dean, this is my 'dad' Michael." Dean pushed him up against the wall and took out his knife and held it against his throat. "You're a lowdown, no good, dirty scumbag. You're worse than our father, and that's saying something." Dean said throwing him across the room. "Kasey! Are you gonna let him do this to me!?" Michael yelled out. "I told you back in Sacramento that my boyfriend's gonna kill you, didn't I?" I told him.

"I'm so sorry Kar-Kasey! I'm so sorry! I wished all the times that I was gone that I could have restarted!" He cried out. "You could have! All you had to do was come home! You coulda made it right. But instead you didn't. You left me alone!" I screamed. I grabbed the First Blade and walked closer to him. "You had every chance to make things right! But did you? No, no you didn't! You stayed wherever it was you were at and left me to die. You probably drank half you life away, having sex with all sorts of strippers and hookers! You left me alone, cold, afraid, scared that I would never be happy again. You don't know how much I hate you. I can't wait to kill you." I said getting closer, Sam and Dean didn't try to stop me.

•|Gore warning|•
Michael put his hands up trying to stop me. "You're not getting out of this. Not alive anyway." I said plunging the blade in his stomach, he gurgled and spit up blood, chocking on his own blood. "You are a no good, dirty, evil man." I snarled stabbing the middle of his chest plate. I drug the blade downwards, watching the blood spew out covering his white shirt. "You're despicable. My disappointment, the burden I carried for years." I growled. I sliced, and chopped, I watched body parts fly, I beat him in the face, with his own leg. His guts sprawled on the floor, hanging from the Harley. There was blood everywhere. On the Impala, my motorcycle, Sam's car. It was everywhere. I stared at the dismantled body, I took the blade to my mouth and licked up the side, tasting the copper liquid. I was furious. I was afraid that I would hurt Dean. Or Sam. I felt arms lock around me, I thrashed violently, "GET OFF ME!" I shrieked, "LET ME GO DAMMIT!" I got flipped around and was thrown on their shoulder. I pounded my fist against their back and screamed, "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME NOW! I SWEAR TO GOD I KILL YOU!" I was thrown on a couch, I looked up and locked eyes with Sam, he took out a small metal bottle with a cross engraved on it and splashed me, my skin burned, it felt like it was on fire.

"Kasey. You're...that was...how did...?" He questioned. I stared at him and said nothing. An hour or two passed before Dean came back covered in blood. He had carried out Michaels body and threw it in the dumpster or incinerated his body. Either way I didn't care. "Kasey that was incredible. And terrifying." Dean said his jaw slacked. "Yeah, sure, it's not like you haven't done it before." I snapped. I felt my skin sizzle and burn again, I let out a shriek of pain and clutched my face, "Sam! Stop that!" I said throwing a punch at him. "Ugh, fuck, Sam. That burns." I said slapping at him. He picked me up again and carried me to the dungeon and tied me up. "Kasey, we're gonna get you back. Okay?" I heard Sam whisper. "Maybe I like this. Maybe I can control it. Maybe... I could help you. B-Be like Crowley, except American and female." I said trying to untie my wrists. "I'll think about it..." Sam said walking out of the dungeon. And I was left alone in darkness. I slept and dreamt of nothing and woke to darkness...

So how was that chapter? I like this chapter. A lot more than my others. I think I'm gonna start doing this with my ending chapter notes. Soo, I actually took a long time to write this out, this chapter at least, anyway. Bye

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