Chapter 2

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Northbound was a pretty large school. Not as big as Ravensbrook Highschool a block down, but still, it was something. Contrary to what I thought, this school was relatively normal, compared to my school in Brighton, it was much more laid back. The people dressed like normal teens and didn't act like animals. This should be good.

After collecting my timetable from the school office, I made my way to first period. English. I wasn't usually compelled by the idea of school, but English class was always different. I enjoyed reading a lot and whilst I tried my hand at writing, I realised that I didn't really have a way with words. While my imagination would be everywhere and anywhere, unfortunately, putting it onto paper ended up sounding a lot like gibberish.

As the day progressed, not many people took notice of my new presence, seemingly, it was easy to blend in. I was on my way to lunch when I noticed a girl down the hall drop her books everywhere. I hurried to her side and helped to pick up her books scattered on the ground when I heard her gasp.

"Where did you get your boots? I'm in love they're so gorgeous!" she exclaimed. She stood agape in awe at my boots.

This girl was beautiful. She had brown curly hair that looked effortlessly styled, freckles that lined her checks and complemented her dark complexion and big brown eyes. She wore a cute blue midi dress paired with a denim jacket and sheer tights. I looked at her shoes and noticed that she was wearing similar black boots.

I smiled, "Thanks, I got them at a vintage market in Brighton. Your shoes look just as similar to mine."

She looked to her shoes then back to mine then up at me. She smiled revealing white shiny teeth, "I guess you're right. But still, I'd be more than willing to do a trade," she said wiggling her eyebrows.

I chuckled, "You seem very persistent, but alas, I'm not quite willing to part with my trusty $7 ankle boots just yet."

She laughed, "That's understandable. I'm Freya, thanks for helping pick up my books. Are you in Sixth Form? I haven't seen you around before."

"Yeah, I just moved here from Brighton. I'm Liliana, but please call me Lily," I said.

"Liliana," she played with the word on her tongue. "I like that name, it's very suave," Freya said.

"Only my mum really calls be Liliana, it's Italian for Lily," I told her.

She let out a low whistle, "There you have it, learning something new every day. Brighton huh, must be different from what you see in London. When I think of Brighton I see colourful houses and rocky beaches," Freya chuckled.

"Honestly, you're not far off. Different to London, yet I'm still to discover why yet. Defiantly more city lights and cars, though," I said.

"I've never been to Brighton before, sounds boring, no offence."

I laughed, "None taken."

Freya smiled widely once more, "I'm heading off to lunch now, do you want to join me? You can tell me all about Brighton and I'll let you in on London's best," she asked.

"Why not?" I smiled.

We made our way to lunch and continued to talk about my life in Brighton and her favourite places in London. She even promised me that she would show me around to these places. I enjoyed Freya's company, and frankly, I was feeling proud of myself that I was able to make a new friend. She was different and quirky, very similar to me. She asked what I had planned for the rest of the day in which I told her I worked. She said she didn't have a job but was making a little bit of money on the side selling off some of her sketches. We then got into conversation about her art. She was into sketching and painting, landscapes mainly, and she made a surprising amount of money off of a simple sketch.

Before we knew it, the bell had rung, and lunch was over.

"Here, give me your phone I'll put in my number," Freya said.

I handed her my phone and got her number in exchange.

She smiled, "Great, it was awesome hearing about Brighton and your work. Please, don't be a stranger, I want to see you around, you seem like the sort of friend I could really use," she smiled lazily.

"Of course, I'll meet you here tomorrow maybe?" I asked.

"Defiantly, see you then Lily," she quickly said before heading off to fifth period.

I had the greatest feeling, that Freya was going to stick around. And for once, I was excited about the idea of having a friend stick around


Fifth period went surprisingly fast. During biology, Freya sent me a text.

Freya: Send help my history teacher is a bore :(

I let out a silent laugh. When she said she would keep in touch, I hadn't realised how quickly she meant it.

Me: Reminds me why I'm not doing history

Freya: :P

The final bell had just rung, which meant school was out for the day. Unfortunately, though, I had a shift at Abbey's which meant I couldn't go straight home and relax. I made my way out the gates and down to the main road where I was going to catch the metro to work. The great thing about London is that everything is literally a ride away from each other. One second you're at school then, the next you're at work, then suddenly you could be at London Bridge!

By the metro, it takes 10 minutes to get to work. Not bad considering it would usually take me 40 minutes to walk! I made my way onboard and choose a seat near the door. It was empty, aside from a boy who wore a Ravensbrook uniform, he was writing something down in his notebook, whatever it was, was clearly making him frustrated. He had ruffled chocolate brown hair, which he kept playing at agitatedly. He wore hipster looking glasses which I couldn't help but notice made his glassy blue eyes pop. He was attractive in a casual laid-back sense yet he held a grace around him that would make everyone look his way. I wonder what he would look like if he smiled.

He was fascinating to watch, the way he kept crossing out his page, frowning and unconsciously playing with the tips of his hair, it made me curious as to what he was writing. I was caught up in watching him when as if hearing my thoughts, he looked up and met my gaze.

We stared at each other for a while, until he suddenly broke out into the brightest smile I had ever had the pleasure of witnessing. His eyes, his lips and his spirit all at once reflected radiance.

If a smile was the universal way of saying hello, then I couldn't help but smile back.

As if pleased by this gesture, he took one final look at me, then returned to his paper. For whatever reason, he seemed more at ease now, he was no longer fidgeting with his hair and his frown was replaced by a relaxed expression.

I could feel a blush coming on. Surely enough, I was never a boy crazy child, nor did I ever care for boyfriends. I could undoubtedly admire this boy though. He was something else.

After sitting around for a while, it was nearly time to get off at my stop. I almost didn't want to leave, but just keep looking at this boy. Follow me, please. Unfortunately, though, this is reality, not a movie. I took one final glance at him, then made my way off. As the doors closed and more people made their way on, I looked back to find him staring right at me. He gave me a small smile and a quick wave before the Metro began moving again.

It would be without saying that throughout my whole shift, I had my mind on only one thing.



There you have it, chapter 2! Thank you for reading I hope you enjoy the story so far. Let me know what you think of Lily and Freya, also new mystery guy?¿?¿


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