Chapter 4

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Turns out Freya and I had last period together! A boring lesson, but somehow more eventful when I had her by my side.

The piercing sound of the final bell rang overhead, and so Freya and I headed out towards the gates.

"What are you up to this afternoon?" I asked.

"I'm meeting up with a few friends from out of school," she answered.

"Cool," I responded, quickly looking around to try and recover from this awkward silence. I was looking around when I saw a signature blue blur walking towards us.

"Hey, why is a Ravensbrook heading towards us? Is that your friend? I thought you thought they were stuck up pricks," I said trying to sound nonchalant.

She turned her head to see the infamous blue blazer, clearly about to approach us. I tried my best to ignore whoever was coming in case they weren't actually coming to us. Now that would be awkward.

"Ohhh yeah, well, I did also say that they weren't all pricks. Just majority. He's a good guy, don't worry, you'll like him," she said as he suddenly reached us.

I turned my head to take a look at Freya's friend, only to find myself looking into the same clear blue framed eyes from the metro yesterday, and of course, he was wearing his infamous smile.

I was in a trance.

Same guy.

Same eyes.

And yes. Same. Goddamn. Smile

"Elias, hey, thanks for meeting me here. This," Freya turned to me, "is my new friend, Liliana, she likes to be called Lily though. Lily, this is my good friend Elias," she smiled nervously as she finished.

"Lily, it's nice to meet you. It's good to see Freya making new friends around here," Elias spoke with the formality of an old soul.

Godamn it, even when he speaks he sounds perfect.

"Likewise, Elias. Freya has never mentioned you before," I said as I smiled tightly.

He chuckled, "That would be right, she likes to keep me on the down low," he said with a wink.

Freya rolled her eyes, "Charming, Elias, as always."

"Now that I remember, she was telling me this morning about the entitled Ravensbrook pricks down the road." I narrowed my eyes towards the emblem on his blazer. "Oh wait, that must not exclude you," I say as smile loosely. 

"Ouch, I would usually be offended had I not heard it before. Did she also resort to calling us 'the sleaze the world needs?" he asked challengingly.

"To my dismay, no, but I'm sure she was getting to that before you showed up," I said.

He roared with laughter.

It was a sound that woke the angels from their slumber. Sweet Jesus help me.

"You win," he grinned. In a more serious tone, he turned back around to me and said, "A friend of Freya's is a friend of mine. Please, we were heading to a mates house, did you want to join us?" I would have declined in any other situation, but it was the sincerity of his voice that caught me.

I stole a glance towards Freya, silently asking for her approval.

"Of course, please feel welcome to come. I can introduce you to the other boys, I'm sure you'll like them," Freya exclaimed.

So there was more of them. If they were anything like Elias, I was in no position to decline this offer.

"Sure," I replied, "I'll come."

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