Chapter 5

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The car pulled into a quiet neighbourhood in front of a small warehouse. We jumped out of the car, Elias opened the door to the warehouse holding it open for Freya and me to walk through. As a passed through, Elias whispered quietly only loud enough for me to hear, "I'm glad to see you again," he finished with a smirk.

I sent him back a grin, in what I only thought he could be referring to as our encounter on the metro. 

As I stepped inside, I was immediately welcomed by warmth. I shrugged my coat off as a took a look around to see a dining table with scattered pieces of paper and notes. At the foot of the table sat a boy with light brown hair who looked up with wide eyes as he heard us enter. 

Elias walked towards the boy and clapped his back as he started to speak looking towards me, "Lily, this is my best mate Levi. Levi, this is Lily, Freya's new friend. She just started up at Northbound."

Levi stood and walked towards me to shake my hand, "Nice meeting you Lily."

"Likewise Levi," I replied.

Levi gave me the impression that he was quiet and of a reserved nature. He kept rubbing the back of his neck and looking towards the floor awkwardly. He was cute.

As Freya was about to say something, in walked another boy with platinum blond hair who stood steady, at least 6'3. His stormy grey eyes were narrowed towards me as he roughly questioned, "Who's she?" nudging his head in my direction.

"She's my new friend, Lily. Just moved here from Brighton. Be nice," Freya pitched from where she sat on the couch.

"Soooo why is she here in my place?" he responded.

Well alrighty then. The nerve on this guy. Assuming by our conversation in the car previously, I could guess that this was the infamous Aleksander. And this was also his place.

Elias threw his head back, "Alek, chill alright? She's our friend and she's going to help us find will Will. She's been filled in and she promises to help, ok?"

"Whatever," he responded with a scoff. He turned towards me and spoke, "Aleksander. That's what you can call me."

"I'm Lily. You can call me that," I responded trying to match his tone.

He narrowed his eyes towards me as if he was going to pounce, whilst the rest of the gang giggled.

Freya looked back and forth between us. "Well alrighty then, I'm glad that's settled. Lily come here I'll show you what we have so far," she said as she waved me towards where she sat.

I sat beside her, all the other guys joining to come and listen and help fill me in on any clues they had found. 

Freya began, "Ok, so he wrote how he needed time for himself, which makes me assume that he is alone. But, when Elias and I went to find Amelie and ask her if she knew where he went or any other info, we couldn't find her. I saw her friends last week and they told me she hasn't been in class for the week and she hasn't responded to any of their texts-"

"Which leads us to assume that, wherever Will is, Amelie is with him," interrupts Elias.

"Exactly," Freya responded. "Which initially made me feel ten times better because at least he isn't alone but-"

"Amelie is a bitch. She's manipulative. And the past few months she's been with Will, have turned him into someone none of us recognises," Aleksander cuts in.

Freya fumed, "Anyone else want to interrupt me cause now would be-"

Elias pitched up, "Before you know it, he's never around anymore. And when he is he's always checking his phone messaging her-"

"ELIAS, please, stop interrupting me," Freya exclaimed as she gave all the boys the stink eye.

It was starting to make a little more sense to me now. "Ok, so Will and Amelie are together, most likely in Europe, and we like this but we also don't cause  Amelie is the devil incarnate, correct?"

"Perfecto!" exclaimed Elias.

They all shook their heads and let out a small laugh.

"Is that all you have?" I asked them.

"Not exactly," replied Levi, "we may have another lead as to where they may be."

"Awesome, so where?" I asked.

"The city of love my friend," said Elias with a hint of a smirk.

"France?" I questioned somewhat confused.

"Oui," answered Freya. "You see it's all about connecting the dots here. Amelie is French. Her parents moved from Paris when Amelie was twelve. According to Will, she's still very much in touch with her former French life, and she's always wanted to go back. In the note when Will said he was safe and provided for, I can't help but imagine that it's only because they must be staying with one of Amelie's friends or relatives. See? Seems plausible."

"Wow you really have taken a lot of thought into this," I said.

"We have, and so that's where we're at," exclaimed Elias.

"Great. So why did he write 'don't come looking for me'? What's he trying to hide?" I asked.

"Nothing," Freya hastily responded. "Nothing, why would he be trying to hide anything? He tells me everything! Maybe he's not even with her. Maybe he's just taking a break before we all go off to university!" It was obvious how worked up and protective she was getting over her brother.

"Woah, it's ok. Calm down Freya, Will is fine. But what if he is trying to hide something? What isn't he telling us? This whole thing is just messed up, but that's the great mystery. Why? Why Will? Why now? If we don't ask ourselves these questions, we might never figure out where he is," Elias spoke softly.

We all sat in silence for a few moments. I could tell Freya had a sensitive spot for her brother, I made a mental note to not ask any questions that may trigger her anytime soon.

"So whats next?" Aleksander asked breaking the silence.

I wish I knew. This might prove harder than I originally thought.



Look whose back!!!! Hello readers, I'm back from taking a break and I'm so excited to get writing again. I've got great ideas planned ahead and I'm hoping to write at least a chapter a day so that I can finish this as soon a possible. Bear with me in my editing process, and as always, if you enjoy my book, share, vote and comment, your feedback means the world to me.


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