Little arms reaching for me, a little voice speaks my name

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Disclaimer: NBC own Chicago Fire. I'm just fixing what the writers broke.

She'd made her peace with it, she thought. She would always, always love Louie.

But he had a happy home. Andre had sent pictures. He looked like any normal happy child.

They had been what he needed, her and Matt. Good parents do what is right for their children, even if it breaks their heart.

What she and Matt had, that would have to be enough. Maybe, someday they would have a child.

But at the moment they were in, no. They two were a family.

Coming home at the end of the day? That was enough.

A single phone call changes everything.

"Mrs. Gabriela Dawson? Did you know an Andre Keyes? Mr. Keyes was in a crash, he didn't make it. His son did. We were asked by his parents to contact you and your husband."

She had no clue why they were called.

Only, the truth of her heart, that would still drop anything for Louie.

She had to. 

Thank god they were off-shift that morning.

It was several hours until they made it to the hospital that had called them.

The drive over is surreal. Matt's hand in hers, quiet car. Nonstop.

Then they got to the hospital, and after a chat with the receptionist in the main lobby, they are directed to the pediatric floor.

Gabby hears him before she sees him. Broken crying going on, and on, and on.

She opens the door to his room. Andre's mother, Mary is there trying to soothe Louie, albeit tiredly.

Odds are she's been trying for hours. She looks away at the sound of the door.

"Louie, honey. Look who's here," she says, coaxing the boy to look.

Their eyes meet.

Louie's face has several cuts closed with butterfly strips. A few scrapes. But he's whole. Mostly unscathed from the accident.

"Mommy. " Louie whispers, his voice nearly gone from crying.

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