A letter never meant to be read.

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Disclaimer: NBC own Chicago Fire. I'm just fixing what the writers broke.  

Louie's broken whisper bridges the gap and breaks her uncertainty.

She goes to the bed and sits.

With a weary smile, Louie's grandmother gently transfers him to Gabby's arms

Being careful of the IV in his left hand, which has been wrapped with gauze to support it, she folds her arms around him.

He fits, just right. Like before. Like this was always meant to be.

She starts to hum a lullaby, one that she had used many times. She starts stroking a soft line, from the back of his head, all down his back. He relaxes against her, entering the quiet breathing of sleep.

Andre's mother speaks in hushed tones above his head.

"I can't give him a thing he wants, Lord knows I've tried. He's cried more than I bear.

My son, and my grandson. They were just starting to be a real family of their own. And now this.

I need to set things right. With the legal papers Andre had written up for Louie's care in case of the worse, he had a letter for you."

Matt spoke up then.

"I'll watch him. You two talk. I've got him. "

They go and sit in a lounge provided for family members. It would be almost nice, if the boy that they love were not here under traumatic circumstances.

Gabby opens the letter.

To Gabriela and Matt Casey.

God, I hope you never read this.

I'm watching Louie sleep as I write this letter. Curled around that monkey you gave him, thumb in his mouth.

I've asked myself if taking him was right.

He misses you. Has asked for you. I'm doing the best I can. It won't be perfect, I will make mistakes, but Louie is the best thing that ever happened to me. He comes first.

I love Louie enough to fight for him against the whole world if I needed to. I saw the same in you two

If I'm gone, I want you to adopt him. Give him a good home- It's all he's ever needed. I know he'll always be wanted, with you two.

My sister's kids have medical issues, that house is full of love, but their own needs stretch them thin enough.

My parents are pushing seventy. They can't keep up with an energetic three-year-old.

My son deserves the world. He deserves to be cherished. A happy home, with parents that would always do their best for him.

I know you love Louie as I do. He's the best thing in our lives

Thank you for my son.

Andre Keyes

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