A minute

131 14 10

Hello my petals!

Sorry this is short. This is my first time using my laptop to update, and there's no predictive text, and no automatic capitalisations, so excuse the typos. 💗💗💗

"Ok, Mrs Trainor Puth, if you'd like to lie down. This is cold, so fair warning."

"Ok, cool."

I lay down on my back, and lift my shirt to allow the doctor to squirt the gel on my abdomen.

Yep, that's cold alright. I look up at Charlie, who is staring up at the ceiling.

"Charlie? You ok?"

"What? Oh, yeah. I'm fine. This just makes it all so real." He says, then wanders over to the other side of the room.

I furrow my eyebrows. Maybe he's not ready for a baby afterall. I sigh, and look down. I can't handle him freaking out. Maybe I'm right, and he IS going to leave me. My heart rate increases as I imagine all the possible situations i could end up in now.

"And that... Is your baby." The doctor says, and points towards a small white shape on the otherwise balck screen.

I gasp as I take in the sight of my beautiful baby. Even though it kinda looks like a small dumping.

I feel a hand clasp mine, entertwining our fingers together. I look up, and see Charile, his eyes transfixed on the moniter.

"Would you look at that. That's our baby." He says, his grip on me tightening.

"I know."

"I can't wait to meet them."

"Me either."

Maybe everything will be okay. Maybe it'll all work out. He seems pretty sure of himslef at the minute.

But it could be just that.

A minute.

Comments and Votes are allways welcome.

I can't believe we're almost at 1k reads! Thank you so, so much. Lets get to 1k!

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