Location, location, location

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This is kinda a filler chapter. Building a foundation for important stuff. Nothing interesting this chapter. Not even going to lie to you, petals. 💜💜💜

Charlie's POV

"So, when do you think we should start looking for a new place to live?" I ask Meghan as I fumble around in my pocket for my keys.

"What?" She asks, looking up from her phone.

"I just thought we should start looking straight away, because we haven't got that long, and you dont want to be moving in the last few months, do you?"

"I most certainly do not. I want to stay at home, eat ice-cream, and do absoloutly nothing else."

I grin at her as we wander down the hallway of our two bedroom house.

"Obviously we don't want to move out of LA."

"No, no. Course not." I say as Meghan flomps down on the sofa.

"You're really not going to do anything today?"


Meghan and I enjoy a sald for lunch, then watch some netflix while scrolling through the depths of the propert market. After around half an hour, we find one that's suits us well, and arrange to meet with an estate agent next week.

"I love it." Meghan says, resting her head on my shoulder.

"I know. It's lovely, isn't it?"

She sighs, and turns to look at me.

"What's wrong."

"Nothing. Just thinking."

"About what?"

"About what our babies will look like; whether they'll be boys or girls, or a mixture; what we'll call them."

Her whole face just lights up as she rambles on, a gleeful smile on her face the entire time.

"Well, it's not going to be a couple of months till we find out what genders they are."

"True. So there's no point picking names yet. I'm going to make some coffee. You want some?" She asks, rising from the couch.


As she wanders off to the kitchen, I just think about how much I love her, and the babies she's bearing. I love her more than anything, and she's without a doubt the best thing to ever happen to happen to me

I'm going to jump ahead a few weeks in the next chapter for a gender reveal.

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