Baby money blackhole

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Ok, I may have gotten this scientifically inaccurate. This is not my area of expertise!

Charlie's POV

Meghan and I sit, staring at the screen, gazing at our baby. Suddenly, the doctor gasps.

"What, what is it?"

"Well, if I wasn't very much mistaken, I'd say there was more than one baby."

"What?" Meghan asks, panic spreading in her voice.

"I'm reletively new to this, so I will just go and get a second opinion."

With that, she stands up, and hurries out of the room, a clipboard gripped in her hand.

"What... Charlie, how are we going to be able to handle two babies. I was doubting my skills at raising one..."

"Meghan, it'll be fine. I will stay with you forever, and love you and our children so much." I say, trying my best to comfort her.

She smiles weakly at me, and grips my hand

"Good afternoon Mr and Mrs Puth. I understand that we're looking at multiple births?"

"Yes. We are." Meghan says shakily.

"Ok. I'm just going to have a look at the ultrasound then."

"Charlie, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know. Buy two of everything?" I say, trying to lighten the mood.

"How about four of everything?"

Mu ha ha petals 💚💚💚

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