Bucket list

154 13 1

Disclaimer: this is going to be crap.
Enjoy my petals! 💙💙💙

Charlie's POV

I reach out, and take Meghan's arm, steadying her on the stairs off the plane.
"I don't fly well..." She mumbled, the effects of her sleeping draft not completely warn off.
"Come on. Let's get going." 
We leave the airport with our bags, and head for the hotel. We check in, and go up to our room. Once we're in our room, Meghan flops face first on the bed.
Meghan responds with an incoherent disgruntled mumble.
"I'll take that as a yes. I'm gonna take a shower. Care to join me?"
"Sure. I might fall asleep if I shower on my own." She groans as she walks towards the bathroom. I follow her eagerly. I watch her as she slowly undresses, removing each garment.
"I can see you, you know."
"I'm sure you can." I say, wrapping my arms around her waist.
"We've got to take loads of those sickly sweet pictures to make all our friends jealous."
"So, you've got an agenda now?" I mumble as I kiss her neck.
She moans softly, and leans against me.
"I love you." She sighs while stroking my jaw.
"I love you too."
She turns to face me, looking up at me with her bright green eyes.
"Now how about that shower?" I say, then kiss her nose, making it wrinkle.
I rip off my clothes, and step into the shower, pulling Meghan with me.
"Well, we can tick that off the bucket list." Meghan grins while frying her hair.
"Meg, what kind of bucket list is this?"
Meghan's cheeks flush bright red.
"Meghan, is this a list of places you want to...?"
I grin at her blush, earning me a slap with a pillow.
"What else is on your bucket list?"
"Well, let's see. A beach, a plane restroom, a movie theatre restroom, a car, a hot tub... And I think that's about it."
"Huh. We failed two of those on our double date with Steven and Emmy."
"Yep. That's why I was so pissed off when we got home." She giggles.
"Well, I may be able to arrange a certain number of these over our Honeymoon." I say with a smirk, sliding closer to her on the bed.
"Oh, is that so?"
"Mmmmm, it's is." I smile, as I lean in and kiss her luscious lips.
Not that this was in Meghan's list, but if it was, she could tick off hotel bedroom.

How do you like this very saucy plot? Charlie intends to tick off as much from meg's list. I will keep it pg13. 😆

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