Chapter 23

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*Kylie's POV*

What Austin did was so sweet. I'm so glad to have him. After his concert we all went back to his dressing room waiting for the mahomies to clear out.

Austin picked me up and carried me to the couch and he sat down and we cuddled. "You two aren't even together and I'm sick of your twos PDA" Alex groaned.

"Deal with because when we do get back together after the tours it will get worse" Austin said sticking his tongue out. They are such little kids.

"Oh God kill me now" I rolled my eyes Alex is a drama queen.

"Alex keep it up and it can be arranged"

"Kylie calm down and don't hurt my boyfriend"

"No promises" I mumbled.

"I heard that" Alex yelled.

"I don't care" I really didn't. Alex can be such a little kid.

"Calm down baby and go to sleep you leave for tour tomorrow with Selena and I continue mine" Austin said. I curled up into him more if that was even possible and fell asleep.

When I woke up I was on my tour bus with Selena. "Austin carried you in last night and he said to call him when you wake up" she said.

So I got up and called him. After a ring he answered. "Hello beautiful"

"Hey handsome did you sleep"

"No I couldn't without you in my arms"

"Please get some sleep for me"

"Okay for you. I will call you when I wake up love you"

"Love you too" I said and hung up.

"How was Austin?" Selena asked.

"Apparently he couldn't sleep without me"

"Lover boy will get over that"

"Yeah I know"

We didn't talk much after that. I went back to my bunk and took a nap.

It has been 2 weeks and Selena and I have done a couple shows. Austin's tour ended last night. I still have 5 months to go. At least he calls and texts me everyday.

I just woke up and checked my phone. I had a text from Austin saying to call him. I went to the back of the bus for privacy. It is the quietest place. Selena also uses it to call Justin.

I called him. "Hey Baby" I said when he answered.

"Hey hun whats wrong?"

"Your tour ended last night and I still have 5 months left. I just miss you"

"I miss you too it won't be long until we see each other again. I promise"

"Okay" I said crying. I miss him so much.

"Baby please don't cry. Can you do something for me?"


"Turn around" I did as he said. I saw him standing there with his phone to his ear and a dozen of red roses. "Surprise" was all he could say before I jumped into his arms.

He started laughing "someone missed me and we aren't even dating what will happen when we are"

"I don't know but what are you doing here"

"I flew in last night and they picked me up while you were sleeping"

"That doesn't answer my question"

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