Author's note

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Hai guys!!! Back with a two lengthy chapters!!! Sorry for late posts as always school is my excuse! I had exams and lots of school work to do! But we now have a week long break so maybe I'll post some more but no promises dear readers. originally I was going  to post 3 chapters but I got writers at the very last minutes in the middle of a chapter so two will have to do for now! How did you guys like the two chapters? I found them weird but they make sense right? Ooh I just realized that Chloe and Henry make chenry as well hehe I know you'll be mad about that one but bare with and forgive me dear readers!!! ( or is it chlenry? ) What did you think about the ending of chapter 15? Loved it! It will keep you guessing! Keep you coming back yeah? What the what is bianca talking about? Hmm I guess we all have to wait and find out. Oh but How are you doing dear readers it's been a while, I'm fine and Oo Oooh I watched Wonder Woman last week and OH MY GOSH!!! I feel like beating up some dudes (for good reasons of course lol) and then doing a power pose while the wind is blowing in my face and my hair giving me that Beyoncé look! It was AWESOME 👏🏾!!!! I think it's safe to say guys the future is female!!!!

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