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Kinda losing my passion for writing. But i don't want to leave you guys with no chapters for any longer so today I'll try to update each story at least twice.

Zanes pov

This Dottie girl was basically dragging me by the arm. Me and her two friends arrived at a small green and while house. "Umm, I'm not following a stranger into a mysterious house just for food." I began to back up. "Wait please! Uh, we needed help...BAKING! We heard you are pretty good at it." The greenish haired one spoke. "I've got the cops on speed dial if you try anything." I reluctantly entered the home. The lights were mostly off so it was hard to make out anything. "Guys? Where's the light switch?" I called out but no one responded. Great I'm getting kidnapped. After a few more moments of stumbling around I felt a lamp. I quickly turned it on. "Okay now explain what the fuck is going on- Wah?" I was left speechless. A pink table with a small cake with the words 'Sorry bout' that' sketched in icing. Blaze standing with a small gift bag and those three werewolves struggling to figure out how to open confetti. Blaze had the dumbest smile on his face. "Is this your attempt to get me to forgive you?" I cross my arms and smirk. "Is it working?" He looked hopefully. I let out a small chuckle. "Yes, this is nice. Thanks." I smiled. "See Blaze! When you trust me Daniel and Rylan, there's nothing we can't do!" The girl cheered. "Dottie you spelt sorry wrong twice and ate the balloons." Blaze contradicted. "Sshshshsh! Zane! Open the present Blaze got you!" Dottie suggested. "Oh erm, sure?" It was a gray and purple bag. I took out a small box from inside. It had a small scarf. It was dirty and old. It even had little holes everywhere. "Uh, thaaaanks Blaze." I held the scarf away from me with two fingers. "I knew you'd like it!" Blaze ran and picked me up in a tight hug. The others joined too. It was really hard to breathe, but it's rare people actually care about me.

Hours later the small party ends

We ate a lot of cake and I got to know Dottie, Rylan, and Daniel. Blaze insisted on walking me home from the party. We walked in utter silence, sometimes I'd catch Blaze staring at me but he'd stop each time out eyes met. I decided I'd break the ice. "You didn't have to come with me." I announce breaking our silence. "But I wanted to." He smiled. "All that stuff about me stopping you from being it true?" I gripped the dirty old scarf in my hand. "No- yes? *Sigh* Zane. I don't care about being Alpha if it stops me from being friends with people." I looked away. "But why me? We've only known each other for a short amount of time. What makes me so special to you...?" The question softly left my lips. "Zane, the day I met you I read that journal you have. And listen I'm sorry. I didn't mean to invade your privacy. But I learned about you and I know all you need is someone who cares about you." I stared at him blankly. "So I'm some charity case? Is it all just to make me feel loved when I'm not." The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife. He took a deep breath he looked lost in thought and we were approaching my house. "That's not true Zane. I'd do anything to show you that I genuinely care. I'd do anything to show you that I'm here for you." He looked down at me as we stood in front of my house main gate. "Then prove it." Was all I could ask for. I'm sick and tired of being used. Gene, Zennix, Sasha, Balto. It's just too common. "Fine" Blaze responded. In the blink of an eye he grabbed my collar, dropping my mask with his force and all of a sudden his lips were pressed against mine. But as quickly as it happened it also quickly stopped. He placed me down and continued to walk back
to his home. I stood there shocked long after he left. I held that weird scarf in my hands as I entered my home. "Zuuzuu! You're home! Where have you been?" Mother asked as she greeted me. "Uh, out with frien- friends."

Zane x BlazeWhere stories live. Discover now