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Have you ever watched one of those scary movies with the suspenseful music while the innocent person is all alone and feels like they're being followed? Well that's how I'm feeling right bout now.

I'm obviously really dumb because I'm in the woods all by myself but you should blame my brother, he ran off with his friends leaving me all alone to be slaughtered by a clown. I could feel my heart beating inside my chest, its as if I'm holding it in my hands.
My eyes became alert as if having this weird feeling in my body that something was going to happen. Hearing rustling in the bushes around me, I take off quickly feeling as if my legs were going to trip over each other from how fast I was running. Not knowing where I was going I just ran, jumping over logs and rocks trying not get myself caught in tree roots like every other scary movie.

"LAURA!!!!" I jolt up and look around groaning,"It was just a dream? But it felt so real.." I look up to see my brother staring down at me worriedly,"You Okay Laura? You were shaking in your sleep."

I sit up wiping the sweat off my forehead as I felt really warm,"Yeah sorry." Derik is my older brother, 19 years old while I'm 17 and just graduated.

Derik stares at me as if he knew something was up,"Alright but if you need to tell me what happened I'm here." He stands and walks out leaving me to think about what happened.

I rubbed my head, trying to ease the headache I now had. 'What day is it again?' My eyes widened in shock. 'Crap I have school today!'

I started to panic as I noticed that it was twelve, but I calmed down seconds later. 'Wait, I just graduated.' I thought to myself, 'i was released early.'

I mentally face palmed as I threw my blankets off of me and trudged downstairs. The smell of my brothers heavenly cooked food wafted through the air. I took a deep breath in and sighed.

I was still shook up from the dream.. it was just too real. Memories from it flashed in the back of my mind, playing over and over again. Just thinking about it made my head hurt. I heard dreams come true, does that mean my fate is my nightmare? No, I can't die so young, I won't let it happen.

"Laura are you going to come down and eat or just stare at the wall?" Derik snaps me out of my thoughts and I walk down the stairs feeling my tired muscles come back to life after laying down all night they were stiff,"Something on your mind Sis?"

Looking at him I put food on my plate, the smell making me drool,"Oh you know, just thinking about what I should do now that I graduated."

My brother sits down watching me eat,"Have fun. Go outside to the beach or the woods or get a job. College won't start for another two months." Hearing the word woods made me shudder and shake my head at it.

" Yea. The beach sounds great I'll go for a swim later."

'The woods' he said. There's no way I'm going to go there. A sharp pain jolted through my already aching head and I winced. Just the thoughts of that dream made me hurt.

I headed back up the stairs after eating and changed into some day clothes. I took some medicine to stop my headache while I was in my room, hoping it would subside quickly.

I walked down the stairs again but this time I tried to focus on something other than the dream.

"Are you leaving now ?" Derik looked over at me as I walked to the door. My hand was on the doorknob and slightly turned.

"Yeah, I'm gonna take a walk for a little bit. If that's okay at least." I smiled at him, it was a fake smile but it made him happy.

"That's totally fine with me. See ya later."

With those final words, I bolted out the front door and headed towards the park. Some fresh air would be nice, it would help clear my head.


As I walked down the busy sidewalk, I heard some deep growling noises, like the ones in my dream. My heart starts to race, but I keep as calm as possible.

They got louder and louder inside my head. A single tear fell and slipped down my cheek as a guy runs into me, causally​ bumping his shoulder into mine.

He looks down on me, seeing that he is literally about a foot taller than me.

"My bad miss." He said bowing his head down. He smirked at me with a beautiful smile. When he lifted his head back up, his eyes met with mine.

Something inside of him shifted. He stared intensely into my eyes, like he was piercing my soul. I felt a little strange myself.

The man that was standing in front of me was unbelievably handsome and a little scary. He gave off an aura of authority.

His little smirk seemed to be so much more than a minute ago.

"My name is Jonas, Jonas Demitri. Who might you be?" My heart skipped a beat as he tried starting a conversation with me.

"Laura.." I could barely get the words to come out of my mouth. I was completely astonished by this stranger.

"Well Laura, maybe we will bump into each other again sometime soon." He spoke before nodding in my direction and walked off.

That was kind of strange, but I did notice that we were holding up a huge crowd of impatient people.

My face was flushed a deep red. A mental picture of Jonas' face was seared into my memories and just wouldn't go away.

I found myself walking into the park with a freakishly huge smile plastered on my face. People that were in the park stared at me as I skipped around like an idiot. It was quite enjoyable actually considering this mornings events.


A few hours later, I found myself sitting tiredly on the seat of the swing. Jonas was still on my mind, almost as if I were wasted on the thought of him.

I don't have the strength to walk home, or answer my phone for that matter.

My phone is buzzing in my pocket for the billionth time this afternoon, but it's starting to get late. My brother must be worried about me.

Fatigue rushed over me.

I could barely keep myself sitting up. I swayed back and forth in the seat of the swing before sleep overcame me.

The grip I had on the chains loosened until I was not even holding it at all. I fell forward and landed on the cold hard rocks.

Blood dripped out of my nose, but I was no longer awake. I was passed out in the middle of the park, with my head full of fear, pain, and one heck of a man.

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