Down in the Forest

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Here I was again, in the middle of the woods. I wasn't running this time, but walking. I observed every little speck of detail that this place had to offer to me.

This time is different, it was calm and I felt safe and secure. The wind rustled the branches and leaves on the trees and the cold night air sent shivers down my spine. None of it seemed to matter anymore.

The birds of the night sang their songs that put the other animals to sleep, all except one.

A wolf, a beast, bigger than any other, towered above me and stared. It brushed up beside me and warmed my body, but I wasn't scared. I still felt safe, like this creature is here to protect me.

A picture of Jonas Demitri flashed through my head as I looked at the wolf, but the wolf ran away as soon as the thought passed. He bolted off deeper into the woods but I was stuck, frozen to the ground.

A huge pack of smaller wolves came up from behind me and followed the big wolf. Howling into the night before disappearing from my view.


I opened my eyes and looked over at my sleeping brother. My mind was wandering wildly. The wolves, the woods, Jonas, nothing made sense.

I was getting curious, I need to know what is going on. I carefully escaped my brothers grip and walked down the stairs, leaving a note on the counter in the kitchen.

Dear brother,

I'm going to be out for a little bit, but please don't freak out. I promise I will answer your calls and texts as soon as I receive them. I love you.


The note was short and sweet and got right to the point. I just hope he doesn't freak out too much.

Before I could reach the door, I heard someone sleepily walking down the stairs.

"Laura..? Are you down here?" He rubbed the back of his neck and yawned.

I bolted out the door without him noticing me, but from outside the house, I could tell he had read the note. "Laura!!"

He shouted angrily and I ran, I ran all the way to the forest that wasn't too far away from our house. I automatically got a phone call from bubba.

"Hello?" I answered

"I told you to stay in the house! I trusted you Laura!" He was serverly angry with me at the moment. I could hear his deep breathing as he tried to calm himself down.

"Bubba I know.. but this is important. I promise I'll be home before dark. If not, then you can ground me, lock me in the house, whatever it is that will make you happy."

He let out a sigh. "It's about that Jonas guy isn't it? He's done something to you I bet. Laura if he's threatening you please tell me. I don't want you to get hurt." His voice was filled with worry and sadness. I know I was making this hard on him, but this life doesn't have much to offer us anyway.

"He didn't do anything Der, I've only saw him twice. On the sidewalk and in the restaurant, no where else. I promise." I stood at the edge of the forest, ready to take my first few steps in. The wind started to pick up and storm clouds moved overhead.

"Okay.. I guess, I'll talk to you later sis." He hung up, and left me to debate what to do now.

I was already here so there's no point in going back now. Faint sound of thunder pulsed through the sky as I walked.

The trees, the atmosphere, it was all too realistic to my dreams. This place was no stranger to me, though I don't know how to feel about it. The woods drained me of my emotions, I wasn't scared, nor did I feel safe, I felt empty.

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