chance sutton

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Y/n pov

I was with my friends aka erika anf tessa shopping and left the ohio boyz home alone .

I know it's a bad idea but what can we do we kinda had to  .

The house was so quit when we entered . So quit that it gives me chills.

The girls went upstaires to put the bags while i got to the kitchen to get a water bottle .

My stomach turned as i see my boyfriend  chance of two years  laying in a pool of his own blood.
Wait this must be a prank cuz there is no  sign of the two crazy friends of his aka jake and anthony . I looked around for any camera faking my panic  when i spotted the camera in the corner of the kitchen recording .

You pranking me ? Oh hell naw . Payback time.😈

I stopped looking around and just stared with no emotion at chance .

"well...what can i say...i actually wanted to breakup with you without hurting your feelings ..but now it's way easier" i laughed.

Causing chance to jolt up and the boyz ro come out of there hiding spots.

"the fuck is wrong with you" jake yelled .

" you are out of your mind for saying that" anthony continued . Chance looked hurt.

"it was only a prank " chance whispered .

" well they say payback is a bitch"i said leaning on the counter.

"what did i do to you to get revenge on me?"chance yelled .

" i got revenge on you for...TRYING TO PRANK ME."I YELLED.

" i already saw the camera right there you dumbass"i sassed .

He fell to the ground laughing with the boyz.

"how did you know you were getting pranked and found the camera so easily ?" jake asked.

"i've been used to being pranked i guess ". I told the truth.

"karma.."jake started.""anthony continued."...a bitch"chance ended.
Guys...hope you enjoyed.bye😁😁😁😁👋👋👋

Why are you still here?




Just kidding love you 😇😇😇.

A few moments later..






😛😛bored .

Vote and comment if you want to and tell me your ideas i need them really.
Peace out.

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