Chapter 5

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I want to dedicate this chapter to @AarmauAndCleo because they came up with the new characters in this chappie! (Ella and Sophia)

{Percy POV}

It was the day of the party. Annabeth had gone upstairs to get ready, and I was dressing Isabella. Piper had already been over this morning to help with the decorations, and brought the cake. No peeking, she'd ordered. The doorbell rang, and I heard someone enter. Instinctively, I drew Riptide and stood in front of Bella.
"Hey! Kelp Head Cousin! What have you done with my best friend?" Bella popped out from behind me and shouted,
"Auntie Thalia!" Thalia picked her up and ruffled her blonde hair.
"Hey!" Yelled Annabeth, who had just come down the stairs. "I just fixed that, Thals!"
"Too bad, Annabeth! My little niece is just as cute with it messed up."
Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Why are you here so early?" Thalia looked at her, slightly confused. "Annabeth, the party starts in ten minutes."
"Ten minutes? Oh my gosh, where did time go? Percy, is everything out? Get the paper cups. I'll get the plates."
"And I'll watch Lil' Iz," Thalia declared. That was her nickname for Isabella.
The Valdezes arrived, then the Graces, and then the Zhangs. Two of Annabeth's good friends, Ella Collins and Sophia McIntyre arrived. Finally, my mom, Athena, Poseidon, and Paul, and everyone was here.
"Okay everyone, listen up!" Said Piper. "Percy, Annabeth, and Isabella are gonna eat a bite of cake and then whatever color is inside, is the gender of their baby!" She sat down. Annabeth handed me one of the cupcakes, then Bella, then took one herself. Bella immediately dived head first into hers, just like she did at her first birthday. Everyone laughed, and then she shouted,
The cake was, in fact, blue. Everyone congratulated us. Then came the horrifying scream.

{Hazel POV}

"Frank!" I screamed. There was blood running down my leg. The baby, I immediately thought. Frank picked me up and sprinted to the clinic. It wasn't very far, the Jackson's house was close. He ran inside.

{Frank POV}

"How may I help you?" The nurse at the reception desk smiled.
The receptionist picked up the intercom mic. "Doctor Solace, to the emergency room please. Doctor Solace to the emergency room." She also called for a gurney, which they immediately took Hazel from my arms. They laid her gently down, and wheeled her into a room. I followed. Tears were streaming down her face. She seemed slightly delirious. "Frank! Frank! I need you! Please! Frank! Help me! The baby!" Tears were now pouring down my face as well. "Hazel, baby, I'm right here. You're ok. The baby's going to be just fine. She'll be just fine, Hazel. Our daughter will be just fine." Will came in, and did a sonogram.
"Hazel, Frank, I'm sorry, but if you want to save the baby, we have to do an emergency c-section." I nodded, I was holding Hazel's hand, but she didn't seem to notice me. All she could think about, talk about, cry about, was the baby. Will called a nurse in, and she removed Hazel's shirt and gave her some shots to numb the pain. They drew a curtain above her stomach, so she couldn't see. After it was all finished, we weren't allowed to see her. They had to run tests and put her in an incubator. Hazel was still crying. "No! Frank! She'll be too small! She won't survive! My baby!" Will finished her stitches, then gave her a piece of ambrosia and a small sip of nectar. He gave me all the information about her rest, even though she'd be here for tonight and tomorrow, the baby longer. After another hour of Hazel's crying, I decided she wasn't going to sleep on her own. Will gave her a bit of sedative, and she finally drifted off in a peaceful sleep.

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