Chapter 6

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This chappie is dedicated to @ScorpInRomanceAnimes.

{Hazel POV}

I groaned as I opened my eyes, feeling soreness in my stomach. I pull up my shirt and look down and I have a bunch of stitches. My eyes widen as I remember what happened last night.
"Frank, honey," I say, my voice eerily calm. "Wake. The. Heck. UP!" I scream.
"Hazel!" He gasps. "Don't you ever scare me like that again."
"Okay, I won't. On one condition."
"What would that be?"
"WHERE THE HADES IS THE CHILD I CARRIED FOR SEVEN WEEKS?" I scream at the top of my lungs. Will walks in the room, putting on latex gloves. "I can answer that question for you, Mrs. Zhang." I smiled a little, most everybody calls me Hazel or Hazie but Will's a bit more formal.
"After I give you some pain medicine, and make sure everything's okay, you can go see your daughter. She has to be in an incubator for another day, but you can hold her."
"Then HURRY IT UP, WHY DON'T YOU!" I say, as calmly as I can while still talking loud. Will smiles.
"Of course. If you could just lie down."
I laid back on the bed, and he gave me a couple of pills to take and some ambrosia.
"Your stitches should be healed in three days. You can leave this evening, but your daughter won't be released for another week, at least." He brought me a wheelchair since it was still hard to walk, and Frank wheeled me down to where our daughter was. OUR daughter. Our very own child.

{Frank POV}
As soon as I saw her, I fell in love. Hazel and I had yet to choose a name, but I had a couple of suggestions.
A nurse came up to us.
"Hi, I'm Nurse Parker. Is this your daughter?"
"Yes, it is. Could we hold her?"Hazel asked.
"Of course," came the kind reply. Hazel took her into her arms, and smiled down lovingly. "She's so small," she said.
"Yes, but she'll grow." I assured her. "Hazel, what about....a name?" I asked. She smiled.
"Your mother's name was Emily, correct?"
"What about Emilynn? It's not exactly your mother's name, but-"
I cut her off. "It's perfect. And her middle name will be Maeve."
"Emilynn Maeve. I like it." (AN: it's pronounced mave."
"I don't like it. I love it." She smiled at this, then let me have a turn holding her. We hesitantly left the room to get ready to go home.

{Time skip, Annabeth is 9 weeks pregnant and one day overdue}
{Annabeth POV}
"Percy," I groaned.
"Yes love?"
"Can I just get this child out of me, please."
"Sorry love. No can do."
"But Will said he could induce me...."I trailed off, basically asking for his permission.
He sighed. "When?"
"Today," I quickly replied.
"Let me go drop Bella off with the Graces."
{Time Skip}
"Okay, Annabeth, one more push...1,2,3!" I let out a strangled noise one last time before sitting back in relief. A baby boy was quickly handed to me, and I immediately began to feed him.
"Annabeth?" Will said, cringing.
"What now, Will?"
"You're going to have to do that all over again."
"Excuse me?"
"There's another baby inside of you."
I slapped his face.
"That was for not knowing that sooner!"
"That was for putting me through this pain!"
"That was for-for- for because I wanted to!"
Then I slapped Percy.
"That was for doing this to me!"
{10 minutes later}
"Percy, now we have to pick out TWO boys names!" I said.
"I know. How about you pick two and I'll pick two, well one middle and one first each?"
He asked.
"Fine. Luke James Jackson." I said, indicating the blonde haired, green eyed baby in my arms.
"And this one-" Percy said, pointing to the baby that was the spitting image of him in his arms, "will be Charles Perseus Jackson."
I smiled. "Perfect."

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