Chapter five

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                                                                              CHAPTER FIVE

So steve came home with me I insisted him to let me drive so he did let me drive the half way. He liked my house and its location. I led him to my room. Thank god I had a real proper room which I was really fond of. Plus the king sized bed was really important that day I tried to main my distance with him while I slept. “ I saw this dream with someone stabbing me and I woke up with a scream. I really was having these stupid nightmares from a while which I hated.

“what happened are you okay?” asked steve in a low sleepy voice.

“I saw a really bad dream. I did not like it.” I said in my relieved voice.

“everything is okay sleep now “ he said and  he held my hand to just give me a comforted and a less helpless feeling.

“okay but don’t go anywhere im really alone here please” I was frightened.

“I promise you now be calm and sleep”he said

I slept again because I knew he was with me and I felt really secured. The two days passed really fast just like lightning. My mom was I back I missed her too much while she was away. I loved my strict law mom, I needed her when I was sick though I had many caring people around me.

“hey mom thank god you are back I missed you too much” I said I was still having fever she noticed it that very moment.

“ you are hot you have fever” she said as If I was not aware of that.

“I know that, right?” I said being obvious .

“you did not even care to tell me that. Why is that so?” what could’ve I said?

“one of my friends were here to take care of me so I thought not to disturb you.” I said.

“who was here I want to thank that person. “She said.

“umm it was that boy Steve I told you about remember?” I questioned.

“yeah where is he?”

“He left in the morning” I said.

“I really am expecting to see him soon. Really soon.” She said. In a commanding way.

“I’ll invite him for dinner if it is okay”“ I’ll be waiting for him hon.” She tapped me on my shoulder and left. “now go to your room.” She said without even facing me.

I grabbed the laptop which was on my study. And I got in my bed. And saw some videos on it. Then I visited the amazon site to see what the new trends were. It was 6 at that time. I called Kate we talked for a long time. I told her that I was going to invite steve for dinner the other day because my mom had said so. I asked if she could come too ad she said yes though I was not expecting her to say that.

The next day I went to school. I parked my car and got my bag out.

“hey how are you feeling now.”said Robert

“Good of course” I said.

“your mom was away right how did you ever managed doing that all alone.”

“Basically I was not alone Steve was there with me the whole time”

“that’s umm great talk to you later. I have a class to attend.” He said and walked away.

“okay” I murmured though he did not hear me. In biology  I told Steve that my mom had invited him for dinner.“ Really?” he said surprised

“yeah you will come right?” I asked.

“yeah sure who else is coming?”

“Only Kate will be there.” I confirmed.

“okay so ill be there at seven if that’s right for you.”

“That would be a bit late what about six or six thirty?” I said with a smile.

“that would just be half an hour earlier you know?” he was giggling or should I say laughing at me

“ yeah I know so six thirty is confirmed “ I said in a really stubborn voice.

“okay umm as you say!” he smiled. And we started this bisection which I thought was disgusting.

I wore my gloves and asked Steven if he could do the disgusting stuff, like killing animals or so.

“There you go “ he said handing me some organ

“Ewww shut up stick to your work please.” I said ,feeling disgusted and mostly irritated. Really I could not forget about that disgusting thing all day. It gave me Goosebumps . So Kate reached at my place at five thirty. My mom was busy making the feast most of the food was a typical vegetarian meal. I insisted her to make drumsticks and hamburgers. Kate helped me set the table and clean the house.

Steve reached my place on the exact time. He wore his casual outfit . And he greeted my mom as if he was a British prince his accent had suddenly changed into a fast British accent. I kicked him just to say that “Get back to your own accent” it did work.

He ate a bit of everything. Just a little bit. He left at eight. Kate was still with me her mom would pick her up at 9 so I had 1 hour with my best friend so we sat in my room and talked about every random thing.

The next morning we all sat together for lunch Steve said my mom cooked really well and I was aware of that. Steve had his birthday after one day. So he had invited there. My mom was taking my car somewhere so he said he would pick me I  felt ashamed because the birthday boy was going to pick me up on his own birthday. Or should I say the birthday man.

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