chapter four

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                                                         CHAPTER FOUR

It was Sunday again three weeks had passed I was going through my old pictures with my friends who now probably hated me. Steve had started to ignore me I could not take it any more. I had to change. And I did change I acted normal from the next day because I had spent only three weeks like this I could still return myself to the person I used to be. I walked to my friend I sat with them steve did not sit with them anymore.

“hey guys I am so sorry I know I’ve hurt you a lot”

“what did you say you’ve been acting like a bully from the past few days” they said they were pissed off I could tell.

“I know I tried to be different because I was hurting a lot of people by my behavior but im normal again”

Kate walked up to me “I understand but we love you they way you are” she was being kind “you sucked that way”

“whoa Andria is back” Robert shouted we went outside together I was glad.

“so you missed us right?” jack asked      “ How could I not miss you guys”  I hugged Kate she starred back at me with a smile. I was so thankful to god that I had them they understood me really well.

Steven was starring at me , he was standing by his car alone. He saw me with my friends after a long time. I felt sorry for him so I walked to him. All I needed was confidence which I had in abundance.

“Hey why are you standing alone here? You do not even call me anymore?” I whispered in a low voice.

“I thought you were a gangster , I thought I could never see the real you ever again! i blamed myself for that” he said in a low gloomy voice. I gave him a comforting hug that meant everything is okay. But they fact was steve was not able to keep up his family’s respect because of me I had to do something.

He hugged me back. I was crying I was being me after a long time I wiped of my tears to show my self as if I was a brave person.

I thought of the gangster night but I was not dead yet. I had to behave like a lively person. He spared me a bit of personal time with Kate I told her everything.

“you did not have to react that way” she said

“ I know but I thought I was responsible for the accident” that was my reply.

“ ok but stop thinking about that ,Steve is never going to tell anyone bout that Harry boy” she sounded confident.

“yeah your right I should trust him. I mean I could always try ” I said.

“ now go he is waiting for you there hurry hurry hurry “  she said she was excited for me.

I got my hand bag and then I took him to the hill. I wanted to show him my favorite place. Where I would go if I was happy, sad or depressed.

“so this Quiet spot is your favourite place hmm?” I thought he was chuckling I could see his smile.

“yeah your making fun of me” I said feeling not so pleased with him.

“No I mean this not a place that I would prefer. Its scary and deeply inaudible. What do you do here?”

“ I just plug in my head phones and think. every other place is too crowded. Like no one comes here and I can laugh, cry or do whatever I want to.” I said though nothing impressed him.

“ok you bore old person” he said hitting me with a twig on my head. He ran away. I followed him we just had this casual stuff going on for quite a while. I got really tired so I climbed up a tree and sat down on one of its branches. I was really good at climbing stuff. He followed me up. He came up suddenly I felt this shock and lost balance “ hey witch out” he yelled and caught me by my hand. I got back on the branch.

“ oh my god! That was close thank you so much” I said half out of breath but smiling.

“Do you even know what you just went through it was really dangerous you could have died and I really don’t want that to happen” he was really serious and out raged.

“yeah I know that. I myself don’t feel like dying that soon” I laughed putting my head on his shoulders.

He ran his fingers through my hair . I slept there cuddled the cold breeze had gotten in my head. I felt sick. My mom was out of town for three days. When I woke up I was not in my room it was someplace I had never been before to. It was steve’s room he slept right next to me it was three in the morning. I slept off again. His alarm rang at dot 8 o’clock. I was annoyed so I sat up my clothes were creased and I felt uncomfortable in my pants but I did not matter the night was over.

“why did you not leave me at my home?” I questioned

“I went there but no one opened the gates and I think you had fever so I brought you here. I did not want you to be alone there plus you were sick”‘ no problem give me my car keys I have to leave now!” I commanded.

“ That’s not working because my mom is busy making breakfast in the kitchen for US!” he claimed so I went down stairs.

“good morning mrs josh how are you?” I asked knowing that steve had told her about me before.

“hello dear you were too sick yesterday so I thought leaving you at your place wont be good ,you can live here till your mom comes back” she said she was a kind lady.

“no thank im sure that I will be able to manage that” I said.

“ok so im going to send Steve with you so you don’t have to suffer through anything” she said

“that would be a great help”  I said the conversation was over. Steve really had a great and well-mannered family. Everyone was caring. I liked the environment of their house, It was really friendly.

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