Caged Bird Who Sings (l)
By: MeIn a prison lives a boy
Who is innocent at heart
Who did nothing wrong
Except for self-defenseAnd in the morning
He is silent, not saying a word
But as the sun sets
He singsHe sings because he believes
He believes that his mother
Whose cries haunts him
Will soothe by his voiceHe sings
Because all those who aren't guilty
Will find peace and hope
Through his voiceHe sings at night
Because in the morning he would not be listened to
But at night all is quiet so he will heard
And so he singsThe guards starve him
They beat him up
But even they know
They are wrongBecause as they beat him while he sings
They hear the words of the song and wonder
How a soul so pure lives in here
But even with him being beat up
He singsBut once as the mother eyes were strained with tears
And the light of hope for others was dim
The guards were waiting with sticks
But the song never came.
Sweet Melodies
PuisiEmotions conveyed in words... poems that flows from my mind and out of my pen... Copyright© 2017