Chapter Ten

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trigger warning: scenes of murder, psychopathic manipulation, and intense, descriptive, gory paragraphs that might make some readers feel uncomfortable. Reader discretion is advised. **feel free to skip to the underlined capitalised words near the end for a summary on what happened in this chapter if you feel uncomfortable reading it:)**

Chapter Ten


I cried and cried, because in that moment that was all I could do. I watched, helpless, as he pinned Mama against the rough brick wall, back flush to the hard surface, sinister sneer masking his face.

"Bet you regret it now, don't you, Joanne? Don't you regret dating Carter? You could have picked me, you could have loved me, you could have been my wife. But no. You had to pick Carter. I had loved you ever since high school, yet I was always in the shadows, whilst you were with Carter! It's because of you that I cannot find the capacity in me to love anymore. You are the reason why I have a different woman on my arm each day. It is because you broke my heart in high school. Now I'll never be the same. It's all your fault, Joanne. I killed Carter, and I wasn't caught because I have wealth! You are nothing but a piece of gum on the sole of my shoe." I could see, from the sidelines, as his hot breath hit Mama like a wave.

"C-Carter and I were never really together... he- he was just my g- good frien- friend, Jayden..." Mother gasped raspily. "I'm married to so- someone else n- now..."

Jayden's eyes went cold. "Don't bother lying. He was obviously more than a friend."

"J- Jayden..." Mama hissed exasperatedly. "Carter wasn't in- into g- girls... he was h- homose- homosexual."

Jayden loosened his grip momentarily. "What? You're telling me, all those years I spent groveling at your feet, making a fool out of myself, and you were single the entire time? I killed for you, Joanne!"

My Mama managed a weak smile. "Jayden... it's not too late- too late to- retrieve a clean s- slate. One day, you are g- going to f- find a woman, a-and you're going to love h-her so much. What you h-have for me i-isn't love, Jayden, i-it's an infatuation. Y-you don't love me."

He tightened his grip once more. "Don't dictate my feelings, Joanne," he spat. "You lost the right ever since you ignored me and stomped over my heart." His eyes suddenly lit up with a fevered, frenzied glint. "Since I am already a murderer, I might as well seize this opportunity to take revenge on you!"

Jayden took a long puff from his cigarette, the smoke swirling in mystical circles in the air, creating a cloud of the vulgar stench of nicotine.

"Listen to me, Joanne. I'm going to kill you, slowly and painfully, but before that, I'm going to kill what was most precious to you. Your little, eight-year-old daughter might do the trick. I'm going to bring her forward, and you're going to watch as I slit her throat. You're going to watch the blood trickle down her body. You're going to hear her cries of pain. You're going to see the hate in her eyes—directed at you for subjecting her to this torture. You're going to watch as her body slowly becomes lifeless, right in front of your eyes. You're going to watch, and you're going to die knowing that you witnessed your baby girl get murdered, but you didn't stop it from happening."

He smirked, and my heart felt heavier than lead. He was going to kill me, but worst of all, he was going to torture Mama with guilt. I knew he had gotten something wrong—I would never hate Mama. And I would never let her be blamed for something she didn't do.

At that exact moment, as Jayden inched towards me, knife gleaming, positioning it directed to my tiny, thudding heart, Mama leapt from seemingly nowhere and jumped in front of the blade, just in time for it to be buried into her flesh. The last thing she said to me was "run". So I did. I ran and ran, and I never looked back. I ran and I told Father, who had been working abroad, and he alerted officials. We never caught Jayden, though Mama was, thankfully, saved on time and her heart was still beating. I suppose money was the cure to everything. Then, I went home and I cried. I cried until my pillow was soaked. I cried until there were no more tears left. I cried until I became hollow.

But I was young, and I didn't understand the full impact of what had happened.

I cried because I knew Mama would never come back, but then I woke the next day, and I felt a chain to my heart, weighing it down, but I was okay. I was okay because Father had told me that Mama had simply been sent to Switzerland, where the medical technology was more advanced. I was okay because I was hopeful that she would suddenly come back and be completely healed. I was okay because I believed that she hadn't passed away.

It's the year 2008 now. A lot has changed, but one thing is still for sure.

Deep down, I am still, and always will be, hopeful Mama will come back.

*dream sequence over*


A/N: [EDIT: NAMELESS--HIM WILL BE UPLOADED ON A SECOND BOOK ON MY PROFILE] Hello everybody! In case you didn't know, this is the final chapter of Nameless Book I-- The Girl. Thank you for all of your love for this story, and I love each and every one of you so much! I will continue updating, either in this book or a new one in my profile, Book II-- Liam, as it is a continuation of this story in Liam's POV. Stay tuned for Book II, because it uncovers a lot about Liam and G and their backgrounds. You'll also learn about Alesha and Brianna's roles in this story. Strap yourselves in, for the craziness and the story as a whole has only just begun;)

(Please note that Book II and Book I are the same story, but NOT the same storyline. It is a CONTINUATION of Book I, NOT a retelling of it in a different POV.)

Thank you for all of you who have been there for me since the beginning. Should I start doing dedications in the beginning of chapters in Book II? Should I continue the rest of the 'trilogy' in this same book or start a new one? I'm generally an indecisive person, haha, so please comment all your opinions on what I should do! I love reading your comments, and CONSTRUCTIVE feedback is more than welcome!

This book is generally my main priority as of right now. However, I will be periodically updating my other stories on my profile. Please feel free to check them out whilst I'm updating Book II:) Shall we decide on certain days for me to update all my different stories?

You can also check out my conjoint account with my friend, Nessa, @vaudressey and share your opinions on our story, Cryogenic. We both feel as if that story has a lot of potential and are very excited to be able to write together! 

love xx until next time,


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