Phone calls

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Author's Note

This chapter is my very own headcanon in how Karma and Okuda handles their phone calls. There's alooot of fluff in this chapter so if you like that kind of stuff then you're in for a treat (o^ ^o)

P/s: I may or may not have made them confess (finally) to one another in this chapter..who knows? Hehehe

Don't forget to comment and vote! Feedback is what keeps this book going, I really appreciate it :3 ❤

As always, enjoy!

Yours truly,
ʕ •ᴥ• ʔ

Exchanging each other's phone numbers were done rather casually between both Karma and Okuda.

"Guys, why don't everyone exchange numbers in case we split up?" Nagisa suggested.

"Sounds good to me," Sugino gave an instant agreement, knowing he'll gain Kanzaki's in the making.

Thanks to being in the group of six during the trip they had with Koro-sensei, the process was already done for them.

Okuda's first time calling Karma

Okuda makes it a habit to place her phone near at all times. Whether she's preparing a meal or preparing poison, it's become a must to have it around.

That being said, the 'habit' she has started when her mother had difficulty with grabbing her attention from downstairs.

"Manami-chan! Dinner is ready!" Okuda's mother shouted from the dining area, not recieving any form of response. Whenever Okuda is busy solving Chemistry-related questions, she becomes so submerged into the subject that it blocks anything else from interfering.

"Manami!" Before her mother decides to storm into her room, she had the most bizarre idea in order to have her daughter downstairs.

"Hm? Who could it be?" Okuda stood up to grab her phone that was buzzing continuously on the bed.

"Okaasan, aren't you home? Why'd you call?"



The theory of how impossible it was to steal Okuda's attention away from Chemistry, became possible. It was her phone.

Most of the time, putting her phone close has only benefitted her. Until..

One night, Okuda decided that she wanted to finish all her Math homework though its due date isn't coming up until the next week. That's when she realised, 'My calculator is missing..'

She thought about the second best option she could use, so she settled down in using her phone's calculator app instead. That's when luck wasn't on her side..

How careless could a person be to accidentally click on the 'calling' icon instead of 'calculator'? The words just had to share the same first three letters.

Even worse, she just so happened to press on a certain red-head before she could go back. "Eh? I called Karma-kun.." she giggled to herself, not thinking about the outcomes.

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