Chapter 6

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We were all boarding the boats. Aragorn was with Frodo and Sam on one of them. Boromir, Merry and Pippin on another and Legolas, Gimli and I on the last one. We all departed from Lothlòrien. Galadriel waved us goodbye. We travelled for a few hours. We stopped for the night. The next morning we went back into the boats and continued our journey.

We all look up in awe at the towering splendour of the Argonath. Two majestic statues, carved out of the mountain, proudly stand on each side of the Anduin. Their left arms are held aloft, their palms facing outwards in gesture of warning. Their faces were stern. We then reached the foot of Amon Hen, the Hill of Sight.

As we reach the beach of Parth Galen. We start to make camp for the night. Then I hear a noise coming from the forest. I look around but see nothing. Then suddenly out of nowhere a troop of Uruk-Hai comes and attacks us. Legolas starts to shoot at them. Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and I are trying to fight them. Boromir had Merry and Pippin. He then sounds a weird sounding horn. We all fight our way to help Boromir and Merry and Pippin. All three of them were all fighting well actually.

3rd person POV

"Run! Run" Boromir yells to the hobbits. Boromir keeps on fighting. He killed two more orcs. The hobbits stopped and started to throw rocks. Boromir was still killing orcs. An archer orc shots and arrow and hits it in Boromir's shoulder. He falls to his knees breathing hard. Then he gets back up and keeps on fighting. The archer orc fires another arrow in his stomach. He falls again on the ground. He then kills another orc. He then gets shot again with a third arrow in the stomach. Merry and Pippin start to run towards the orcs to protect their friend but get taken away by the orcs.

Alexa's POV

I run as fast as I can towards Boromir. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli are following me. Aragorn jumps on the archer orc and starts to fight it. The orc throws his shield and traps Aragorn onto a tree. The orc comes towards him launching his sword at him. I shot the orc with two arrows in his neck. Aragorn gets his head out from the shield.

"Thanks," he said.

"Anytime!" I answer.

He then runs towards Boromir.

"They took the little ones." he says breathing hard.

"Hold still." Aragorn whispers to him. "Frodo. Where is Frodo?"

"You did what I could not. I tried to take the Ring from him."

Legolas and Gimli come are walking towards me. Legolas looks surprised and sad at the same time. I put my hand on his shoulder, he looks at me. Gimli is walking towards us shocked. We all take a moment of silence to commemorate Boromir.


We are all standing on the side of the river. I am trying to look for Sam and Frodo, but I can't find them.

"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands." Aragorn says.

"Then it has all been in vain." Gimli says, "The Fellowship has failed."

"Not if we hold true to each other." Aragorn tells us, "We will not abandon Merry and Pippin to torment and death. Not while we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let's hunt some Orc."

"Yes! Haha!" Gimli says happily.

We all head back running into the forest.

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