Chapter 21

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Ophelia Bellerose:

I was in my room, Cleaning things up listening to music humming along to the tune.

A knock on the door interrupted what i was doing and i yelled
"Come in!"

"Ohh baby doll... you are just making it fucking hard for me to control myself dressed like that."

I stopped what i was doing. That voice...
i looked down at what i was wearing thinking i was in my joggings and top like i was last night with Dean, But to my surprise i was in a matching set of deep blue sexy underwear.

I quickly ran to the bathroom door trying to run away from him, But the door was locked. As much as i tried to pry it open it wouldn't budge.

Suddenly there was only him, the bed and me in the room. I found myself face to face with him, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Please Brad,   S-stop.  L-l-leave me a-alone." I cried Between sobs.  

He had me pinned to the bed ready to pounce, When someone else intervened . I Was silently praying for it to be Dean, for him to save me once again from one of my demons...

"Not so fast brother... mother always said 'sharing is caring'.  Besides i Had her first. Isn't that right Doll face."

I started crying even Louder, screaming for them to let me go. I didn't stop struggling under Brad's grip.

"Hold still you whore! " i was screaming for Dean, yelling his name at the top of my lungs.

Dylan's sadistic laugh erupted in the room soon followed by Brad's.

"You stupid bitch. You think he is going to save you now? You think that stopped me the first time when your boyfriend, what was his name already?" He placed his hand under his chin taping it with one finger as if he was trying to remember.

"James? No, that's not it. Jac?"

"No dear brother it was Jake. You remember the pathetic dude that 'loved her' back in England" Bran butted  in as if all this was a game.

Dylan was now on top on me, running his hands down my side placing sloppy Kisses all over my body only making me want To throw Up my guts.

"He didn't stop Me the first time. Haha i even ended his pathetic life. I mean who could love a fat, ugly girl like you. Look at you! You are covered in scars. You aren't even that fit! Nobody will ever want you."

They Were both on top of me and i was now lying there,   With No clothes on, crying silent tears, letting them do what they please...

Dean Hunter:

I woke up to screaming. To her screaming. I tried shaking her awake. Didn't work. I'm really getting worried now. I shouted her name holding her in my arms trying to sooth her in her dreams. Whispering now to wake her.

Suddenly she woke up yelling names

"Stop Brad! Please! Get off me Dylan! Get off me!" She shoved me off her hitting My Chest really hard might i add.

I let go of her not wanting to scare Her more.  She ran to a corner of her room and held her knees up To her chest sobbing uncontrollably.

"Shhhh, shhh Sunshine, it's me Dean. I'm here to protect you sunshine, i promise." I took her hand stroking her  cheek to make her look into my eyes.

Once i was met with them i could't help but sigh at how beautiful she was. She may be in total fear, her eyes may be red and puffy or her cheeks stained with tears, her hair all over the place, but she was So strong and that's one of the things that made her beautiful.

"They aren't ever going to hurt you, not on my watch." She nodded as i opened my arms to her.

She bent forward and collapsed in my arms.

At that moment Mollie and Trey walked in with total panic on their faces. Trey had his gun in hand to Which i held Ophelia closer to my chest so that she wouldn't see the gun.

Trey realising that it was not needed, placed it back in the waistband of his trousers.

"If everything all right here? He heard screaming." Mollie's soft voice came out.

Lia pulled away still staying in my arms whipping her tears away.

"Yeah, everything is fine. Just a bad dream." She smiled back at them trying to hide her fear behind it but it didn't seem to convince either of them.

"Alright Honey if you say so, we'll leave you two rest now. Goodnight."

We both said goodnight but before they left they placed both a kiss on her.  Forehead.


"You want to talk about the dream?" I raised an eyebrow at her wanting to know what it was about even if i had a pretty clear idea about what she dreamt.

"Why not, it's not like i'm going to fall back asleep after that anyway. "

I carried her to her bed and laid her in between my legs to that i could wrap my arms around her.

"Okay so here it Goes."
She made her self more comfortable and let me place my hands on her stomach.

She started and i was rubbing in circles, up and down her tummy while listening to everything she had to say.

My blood was boiling and i think she could sense it because she placed her hands over mine stroking my knuckles with her thumb.

I knew that she started crying again because i saw little droplets fall from her cheeks.

I placed my head in the crook of her neck placing soft kissed and breathing in her heavenly sent passion fruit and mangos.

"You are safe now i'm here. To protect you with my life." If only she knew that that was my mission, to protect her and not let anything or anyone hurt her and i failed.

She turned a bit to face me holding her hand to my face rubbing her thumb over my cheek.

"Thank you. But why are you doing this for me?" I was a bit taken back by her question.

Why was i? Because of the orders?
No, well not anymore at least.

Because i care? Well obviously i care if not i wouldn't be here.

Because i like her? Ding ding ding i think we have a winner!

I inhaled loudly leaning into her hand closing My eyes and planting A kiss in the palm of her hand.

"I'm doing this because i-i" here it goes...

"I like you Ophelia, a hella lot for that. Matter."


Isn't he so sweet and confused at the same time?

I need to find them a ship name!!!!

Anyway like i said before exams are coming up and i might be m.i.a for a bit. I just needed to get this published for y'all so that you have some stuff to read.

The next chapters are going to have a lot of things going on so hold tight!!!


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