Old Rust Theme Park

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----------------------------------------------Photo Prompt of an old rusty theme park
It was definitely an old ride. You could tell by the way the rust was growing around the edges. I was sitting at the top of the ride, which was extremely scary, but there was also a low cloud and some mist. The think dense cloud had smothered the ride and was covering it more than the dust. What used to look like a fun jolly ride was now a death trap. The structure was built well; good supports everywhere and some barriers here and there. However, now it was crumbling and dying. One touch could turn it to dust. You hear the creek of the ride like nails to a chalk board. Everywhere else was silent. There was a Forrest of trees which made the place look like a horror scene. Below the structure was a set of overgrown bushes. You couldn't see the ground from the bushes so you couldn't tell how high you were. Nobody had cut the bushes in years because the trees were squalling the ride up and soon no ride would be left. There could be a river nearby because the stink of sewage was monstrously bad. I couldn't see the river, I couldn't hear to river but I could smell the river. Even though I wasn't moving the smell was getting stronger and stronger as I sat there longer and longer. The taste of fear lingered in my mouth. The fear of dying because my fear of horror was becoming worse than my fear of rollercoasters.
The silence had gone and I came the sound of a car engine. A matured decayed car like the ride. It was parked a few meters away from the engine was close but not very close. Next came he sound if a door slam and then footsteps; that headed towards me.

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