Wash my teeth and brush my face

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Ryunosuke pov

When I went home I was greeted by my sister, "where is mom and dad " I asked taking off my shoes " dad left this morning for work, won't be back till next week and for mom. She is still at work " saeko said I nodded then stretched saeko tossed me a energy bar. I caught it with my mouth. Causing her to laugh " why are you so late, was daichi giving you guys a hard time " she asked I shook my head " I ran into a girl " I said saeko started laughing " did she run away crying too " she cackled " no" I said I then began to picture the punky girl I met earlier " I need rest, I'm walking her to school tomorrow " I chanted the I marched to my room


(Y/n) pov

My alarm woke me up. It was hell. I groaned then rolled out of my bed. " first day karasano today, oh and tanaka-San said he was walking me today too" I stated them smiled " I better hurry " I chimed as I hurried to the bathroom. "I gotta wash my face then brush my teeth" I cried out completely jumbling my words. I had a quick shower, dried and did my hair then brushed my teeth. I had my uniform on my bag packed and I ate a waffle " ok I'm ready " I sighed there was a nock at my door. I opened my door to see tanaka-San " hello tanaka-San" I chimed grabbing my bag then locking my house door "hey hey hey " he smirks. We both laughed then made our way down the street.

While walking I seen a male who looked taller than me with brown spiked hair " oi noya yo " tanaka called out waving I fallowed " (l/n) (y/n) " I said bowing " hi (l/n)-chan I'm nishinoya yuu " the taller short boy chirped i nodded slightly "let's hurry to school " i stated. I really wanted too see if they actually had a good piano here at karasano " what do you do for fun" noya asked me " nothing really " I stated noya nodded " I like watching volleyball " I chimed. The boys faces lit up " you told me yesterday you didn't play any sports " tanaka said " I don't I could never play volleyball, although it is a interesting sport. My little cousin plays it" I said they nodded " we can teach you" they both chirped I nodded and giggled " that would be nice " I smiled at them. They smiled back "what grade are you " noya asked me " second year, you two " I chirped " second too " they said " what class " i asked them " 2-1 " they both chirped " I'm in 2-5, as my paper says " I chimed pulling out my paper the boys looked at the paper over my shoulder " wow your smart " noya gawked " thanks I guess " I said looking to the side the rubbed my elbow " aww your adorable when your embarrassed" noya cried hugging me tightly " thanks " I said in a confused way. Tanaka laughed

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