the day i became myself

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Kagayama pov

A part of me still didn't understand her. Why was (y/n) here. I figured she left Tokyo but I didn't think she'd come here. Should I tell hero or kizume about this. What would they do if they found out I knew were there precious little sister is. What would her parents do, aunt nagica and uncle kirushima

 What would her parents do, aunt nagica and uncle kirushima

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probably nothing. They never were fawned of her, Sadly. (y/n) worked so hard to prove to her parents that she could be there daughter. But I guess she crashed and ran off.
"Tobio are you alright" (y/n) asked me tanaka was right behind her. " I'm fine" I stated she nodded then kissed my forehead. Like she use too I smiled a little at her "GAHHHH HE CAN SMILE " Hinata shouted " hmm, Tobio was a very smiley child, I called him my smiley tobio" (y/n) chirps my cheeks were turning red now " GAAHAHAHA SMILEY TOBIO AHAHABAHA" tanaka, noya, tuskishima and Hinata laughed " yeah, whenever Tobio was coming over I would get all excited because he was so nice and smiley. I often got into trouble for it though " (y/n) said then it turned into a mumble " what happened, you were so cute when we were little " she then chimed " I got sexy " I stated she smiled at me " of course " she chirps as she stifled her giggle I rolled my eyes at her "back to practice now " ukai sighed we nodded and got back to practice.

(Y/n) pov

"Come now yachi, you can help me get medical supplies " I say as I walk out the gym with yachi following me. After walking down the hall little yachi tapped my shoulder. I looked up at her. I was just slightly smaller then her " how are you so confident" she asked me " I'm not, I'm just myself " I said looking into her doe eyes " I began to find worth in words I spoke. Not words spoken about me. I began to view my body as beautiful. Not broken and worthless through the lens of the world. I began to think to myself. Not fumble around opinions digested by others. The day I began, was the day I became myself " I spoke she nodded I smiled " good now off to the nurse's office " I chirped yachi nodded " okay" she said we then continued on

Tanaka pov

" she doesn't give up on anything, cares for everyone gives the best advice, why can't I get her out of my head " I thought I wasn't paying attention in practice "TANAKA WATCH-" I was hit hard in the head with a volleyball. I don't know who hit it but it hurts. I felt something flow down my face "GAHHH YOUR BLEEDING " Hinata yelled. (Y/n) came into the gym " I just got here in the nic of time " she stated walking over to me. I couldn't see that well " sugawara daichi help me pick him up " her sweet voice said I then felt like I was being lifted up "guys I'm fine " I said pushing them away. I didn't want to show her I was weak. I lost my balance and almost fell
" tanaka, now is not the time to act tuff" (y/n) scolded as she pulled one of my arms over her shoulder. "Will take him to the bench for you " suga said "okay" she chimes I was placed on the bench as (y/n) began to tap the blood away from what I figured was my nose. My vision began to focus "looks like you got your focus back" (y/n) chirps I nodded " you just got a nose bleed, it will stop soon " she smiled my cheeks started getting red " are you getting sick now too " (y/n) asked I shook my head no "I'm fine thanks " I stated she nodded "be careful and stay focused I don't want you getting to hurt okay " (y/n) chimes I nodded she giggled " great "

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