Million thoughts a minute

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3rd pov

Early in the morning, an hour before the rising sun. There was a girl, standing in the light of the fading stars. She seems so a peace, as far as the human eye could tell at least. Nothing seemed to be on her mind, or so they thought. Her mind was racing, a million thoughts a minute. Questioning how her team will play, how tanaka ryunosuke will play. Her hair loosened in the wind falling into a tangled mess. She shivered slightly "you know you should have a jacket on" a familiar voice called, a jacket was then draped over her small frame, encasing her body. She turned her head to the voice " thanks ryu-chan" she muttered to him as she played with one of her piercings "you seem distance" the boy bluntly said. Causing the girl to nod her head "just thinking, is scared to face kuroo again, but I know I should go to the match " she mumbled "if you start to feel uncomfortable just leave, simple as that" he said to her she stares at him for a brief moment "yeah, anyways let's go back inside, I'll start to make breakfast for everyone as you do whatever you need to do" she chimes, tanaka nodded his head. The light peaceful chirps of the early morning birds slowly falling out of reach as they walked into the building.

(Y/n) pov

I headed to the somewhat kitchen place they have and started to make breakfast for everyone they'll need the extra energy for the match "what to make what to make " I mumble to myself before opening the window. Letting the morning breeze flow in "how about we make steamed rice and Miso soup" kiyoko-sempai said, looking over at the pretty faced manger I nodded "that be a good meal, how about tsukemono as a side dish" I ask the glasses manager nodded her head "let's start now " I chirped at her she smiles then put her hair up also "yes" she happily said. We made breakfast for everyone as yachi set the table "were done" me and yachi cheer as kiyoko nodded and smiles the boys just walked in staring at all the food  "gahhhh this looks so good" hinata chimes as he sat down "did our lovely girls make this" noya asked sitting next to hinata on his right "me and kiyoko-sempai did as yachi-chan set the table" I spoke sitting next to ryu "why thank you nurse-chan " ryu said patting my head "not a problem " I rejoiced giving him my big smile "thanks for the food" we all said before eating "the two of you are great cooks" suga said i nodded were I had rice in my mouth "yeah they'll be a great  one day " noya said food was flying everywhere from him talking with his mouth full "don't talk with your mouth full noya" me and suga scolded in sync "yeah,yeah" noya said waving his hands "let's win today" I cheered everyone nodded and happily ate

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