Chapter 7

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Author's Note

The more love I get for this story the more inspired I become. Ideas flow so quickly on what's next. Anyways feedback is much appreciated. Please vote!

"Can I go back to your room mother?"

Annabelle: "I suppose that will be alright. You've had a stressful first day and Gabriel just added fuel to the fire, but don't go thinking this is a daily occurrence Winnie. You will work a full day tomorrow."

We walk silently back to mother's quarters, a million thoughts running through my head, all about my savior. The thought of him being in pain tightens my chest for only a second, before I can breath normally again.

I need fresh air.

"Mother I need to go outside. I'm feeling sad and before you argue with me, it has nothing to do him. It just all these years I never knew why you chose to raise me, but now I know. I just want to clear my head."

My mother thinks long and hard before replying. I can tell she is very unsure.

Annabelle: "Promise me you will stay hidden and unseen."

"I promise."

Annabelle: "I need to spray you with the scent masker. Stay here. I will go get it."

I wait patiently outside of the room. It isn't long before mother comes back out. She sprays me multiple times with the pungent odor.

Annabelle: "There. Now be on your way. Be back in the room by dinnertime. Don't disappoint me Winnie."

I run through the empty halls. Years of being able to roam free throughout the castle have taught me where the best places to go to not be seen. I use a secret hidden door that takes me outside. It brings me directly to a garden I started a long time ago. At first glance you can't see it, only weeds and shrubbery hide it, but when I pull back a flimsy budding willow tree branch my little piece of serenity can be found. I grab an empty wooden bucket given to me by him. Walking to an old well stationed in the center of my land I attach the bucket to the rickety pulley system.

I really need this fixed.

Watering the plants I hum to myself a song sung to me as a little girl by mother. It doesn't take long before I am belting out the lyrics. Plopping down on the soft warm ground I remove my uncomfortable shoes and stockings. Flexing my toes into the plush green grass I fall backwards gently. The sun hits me directly despite a tree being in the way, blocking it. I roll over onto my stomach crawling to my strawberry patch. I pick the biggest, ripest one I can find, biting into it slowly. The juice runs down my chin as I smile contently to myself. My mind flashes back to the first time I could remember being spoiled by him.

"You can't catch me."

My small feet take me away from mother as I run fast from the room. The threat of a bath causes me to flee. I go to the first door I find unlocked. The door is big, but I push it open. Weird sounds are coming from the dark room. I didn't know it at the time, but it was his snoring then his growling . Immediately I hide in the corner frightened by the deep gruff voice. A dim light soon illuminates the room and I move quickly to hide underneath a table making a chair fall in the process. It doesn't take long before the scary noises stop and movement is heard.

Xael: "My little Winnie come out."

That sounds like master.

I peek my head out to the direction of the voice. At the center of the room is his bed. He sits on the edge only in black silk pajama pants. My face lights up as I crawl immediately out of hiding. Running to the bed I stand in front of him jumping up and down with excitement.

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