Chapter 22

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Author's Note

2.4k reads and yesterday I was ranking #956 in the Werewolf genre! Unbelievable. I am so grateful for all my readers. I really want you guys to leave me more comments. Remember to vote and add my book. Thanks! Love you guys.

After a couple of suckles from my mother's bosom I soon fall fast asleep.

Mother: "You can turn around now. I am decent and Winnie is asleep."

She whispers still rocking me in her arms.

Turning around in his chair Xael stands and walks over to the stool, looming over my mother.

Xael: "Give her to me."

She hands me off wrapped up in a blanket with only my head peeking out.

Xael: "How long will she be asleep?"

Mother: "A few hours. Then she will probably want some mushed vegetables and something to drink."

My mother says while struggling not to cry. Seeing the worry on her face Xael awkwardly pats her shoulder in comfort.

Xael: "We will be back soon Miss Annabelle. No harm shall come to Winnie, but I must know what is around her neck.

Mother: "It shouldn't matter what it is. It protects her and it shouldn't be tampered with. She could be hurt."

Xael: "I promise you I will protect her."

My mother nods silently before checking on me on more time. Kissing my forehead she leaves out of the room just as Gabriel enters again.

Gabriel: "I have Winnie's things in the carriage. Are you ready to depart?"

Xael: "Yes, I am ready.

Gabriel holds the door open as Xael exits out of his study. Only the sound of his thick leather shoes can be heard as he slowly walks down the corridor, trying not to wake me. Some pack members stare in curiosity, but none dare approach him due to me being held in his arms. Cautiously walking down the steps, guards stand at attention awaiting orders. Everyone stops talking when they see the stern glare given by Xael making it known that I am in his arms. In front of Xael is Gabriel, holding the carriage door open.

Gabriel: " Do you need me to accompany you?"

Xael: " I should be fine, besides I need you to keep everyone in line while I am gone."

Gabriel: "You are traveling with only five guards. Isn't that a little risky?"

Xael: "It is bad enough you force me to use the royal carriage, now you doubt my power. I wasn't made werewolf king because I am weak. We will be back at nightfall."

Gabriel nods before signaling for five guards to stay and the others to disperse with his hands. Now inside the golden carriage Xael places me in a large wicker basket lined with furs, located on the floor in front of him. The guards all shift into their true wolf forms as the carriage starts to move. They run along side of the coach in a tight formation. After traveling for a while the men ask for a small break. Granting their request Xael orders the human coachman to stop in a shaded area beneath the tree tops. While all this is happening I stir in the basket before waking up completely.


Xael: "My little princess. You are so smart. I knew you knew my name."

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