Chapter 40

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Spooning the last bit of medicine into my frail mother's mouth I watch as she weakly swallows it down her throat with little difficulty. Her clammy forehead produces beads of sweat trickling down her face. I slowly dab away the water, while humming a song from my childhood.

Mary: "Supper is served my dear. Come join us at the table!"

She yells down to me from the top of the basement stairs.


Tucking a stray hair back into her neatly redone bun by me, I kiss her forehead.

"I love you mother." I whisper into her ear.

Watching her chest rise and falling steadily I force myself to retreat upstairs to join everyone for supper. A sadness washes over me, hearing the jovial laughter of Holly with her mate Dmitrii. Lingering by the entrance to the room I watch the interactions between the two lovers.

Even in the midst of war they still have smiles on their faces. It has brought them together. Not torn them apart like me and Xael.

With one arm around her shoulder Dmitrii caresses her stomach, leaning down talking directly to her protruding bump. Smiling brightly at this gesture Holly begins piling pieces of meat onto both of their plates. A firm hand to the nape of my neck breaks my concentration on them as I turn around sharply. Chest thumping, I calm my nerves as soon as I see who it is needing my attention.

"You can't stay out of trouble, can you?"

"Gabriel you gave me quite a fright. Don't sneak up on me like that. How are you? How is Xael? When can I see him? Can I ......

Gabriel: "Whoa slow down Winnie. We can talk after dinner. I'm starving. I need to relax to get my mind off the pain you have caused me. My ribs are still in the process of healing."

"I didn't do it! And even if I did, you deserved it. My mother she isn't well. You lied to me!"

With my face hot, my hands tense up into fists as I glare directly into the eyes of Gabriel standing there remorseful. Shifting his gaze, he emits a long sigh as he ruffles his hair out of his face while slowly stroking his jaw.

Gabriel: "I didn't want to alarm you. I was doing what I thought was best. Xael agreed. You are fragile. Always have been. I was trying to prevent you from having a panic attack over your mother out there in the center of danger."

Without hesitation my hand connects with the right side of his face with a resounding slap heard all around us. Tears well up in my eyes as I continue to stare him down as he wipes the blood now dribbling down his chin.

Holly: "Winnie."

Turning my attention back into the dining room I see both Holly and Dmitrii now have eyes on us in confusion.

"I'm sorry Holly for spoiling supper, but your father is a liar and I refuse to be in the same room as him."

Pushing past the stunned beta he wakes out of his stupor to stop me. He grabs my arm.

Gabriel: "Winnie wait, we can talk this out."

"Let me go! You had one job to do! Keep her safe."

Releasing me I run upstairs to my room, shutting and locking the door behind me. Throwing myself onto the bed I scream into a pillow in frustration before crying freely. Soft knocks alert me to a presence outside my room, as I continue to lay there unmoving.

"Winnie it's me Mary. I have your vegetable medley, piping hot. I'm just going to leave it outside your door."

I wait until I hear her footsteps move farther and farther away from my door before retrieving the soup. Eating it slowly I sniffle and weep in between bites of vegetables not caring if I burn the roof of my mouth. Once full I set the bowl out of reach and lay back onto the bed. Focused on the dreary ceiling I recount all the times I've told my mother I love her. With my mind finally at peace a throbbing pain shoots through the hand I used to hit Gabriel.

Nice going Winnie, break your hand on a werewolf's face. Why can't I do anything right?

Eventually I give into my exhaustion and fall asleep. In the absence of dreaming a warmth spreads over my body. It comforts me as I begin to crave it more. Eyes still close I stir, stretching my limbs to get into a more comfortable position. I soon realize I am not alone in my bed. Opening my mouth to scream a hand clamps down over my mouth before restraining my arms.

"Quiet little mouse. You don't want to wake the whole house."

With a rougher much deeper voice I open my eyes to see my Xael in the dim moonlight. Removing his hand from my mouth he runs his hand through my hair gently feeling its silky texture in between his fingers.


Leaning down he whispers into my ear. "Guess again."

Squinting at his face I notice his eyes are pitch black.


I tense up once I realize Xael isn't in control, but his wolf as I catch a whiff of an unsettling scent.

"Get off of me. You are drunk. I want to speak with Xael."

Elden: "You can't speak with him. You will talk to me and only me tonight. You hurt us and all we've ever done is protect you."

"Please Elden I need to speak to him. It's important."

Elden: "If you are a good little mouse, maybe I'll let Xael control us again. Until then do as I say."

Sniffing my hair, he releases his hold on me as I lay completely still on the bed. Continuing his sniff assault, he focuses on smelling every part of my clothing.

Elden: "It seems I must have a word with a certain omega who can't seem to keep it in his pants."

"You mean Lochlainn?"

Elden: "Of course my little mouse. I can't have such a man touching my property. I will speak to him in private then snap his neck before he can even utter a word about you, to anyone."

"Won't you get in trouble for killing one of your own?"

Elden: "See that's just it. No one will know. I can be quite sneaky you see little mouse. I got in here without anyone knowing, so it's safe to say I can kill a man and dispose of his body without being caught."

I continue to lay in silence contemplating his disturbing words before speaking again.

"My mother. I fear she is dying..."

Elden: "Quiet."

"Xael please."

Elden: "I said be quiet before I make you choke on my cock Winnie."

He licks the side of my face as I turn my head trying to focus on anything, but what is happening. Forcing my head back to face him he starts to untie the front bodice of my dress.


I hold onto the front of my dress stopping him from revealing my bare chest.

Elden: "I warned you"

Getting up from the bed he stands in front of it as I take in his appearance. Hair disheveled he starts to unbutton his white silk shirt before removing his dark gray pants. Standing stark naked I stare up at him in shock. Kneeling on the bed it sinks in as he grabs a lock of my hair, tugging it hard in his hand.

"Wait. Elden. I'm sorry. If you love me, you will release me. I will do whatever you want if you get a healer to visit my mother and check on her health."

Letting go of my hair he continues to stare at me, not saying a word only breathing heavily.

Author's Note

I'm back! I want to thank you guys for continuing to support this story. Elden has made his return, but for how long? Will Winnie's mother live? I love leaving you guys in suspense. Until next time <3

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