Part 24- The Fall of a Nation

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They glanced one last time at their friend. His body was back to its normal form. His hair was now all bloody, as it fell into the  pool of blood beneath him. It seemed like a worthy way to go. Sacrificed himself for the others. Kristina reached to close his eyes, but Dorian stopped her.

"But why?" Alex almost started to cry.

"I think I know," he said with a low voice. "But we have to go. Come on!"

The three of them left as fast as they could, looking for the main exit. But what they found outside stopped their hearts. An apocalyptic view of a battle, corpses and blood everywhere, severed limbs just lying on the ground like they belonged there. The gruesome view made them feel like they were looking into the eyes of Death. Pain and sorrow were floating through the air, as in their hearts and minds was one thought - their true friend Haron.

Among the fallen was Veison. His body was lying lifeless on the ground with a pool of blood around it. His was mixed with the blood of his fallen soldiers.

They could see the shadow of the victor in the distance, surrounded by a small group of Nagas. The only survivors of this battle. Morso was not happy about this win. Nobody won today.

"They planned this from the start," said Dorian. "First us, then the Nagas..." He looked at the piles of bodies lying on the ground.

"Now Veison's people... they turned us against one another. In the name of those things."

"Let's get out of here," Alex said.

Her colorful eyes were filled with tears.

"But Alex, you did not touch Veison. You did not take his essence. Not even the one of a Naga," said Kristina. "How are we going to stop them? Fulfill the prophecy?"

"I have no idea. We will figure it out,"Alex said. "You heard them, "We are god.""

"Whatever that means..." said Kristina.

At this moment the Dragons landed. The same ones who had dropped them off here and left them to talk with the king.

"Quick! We need to get out of here!"

They got on their backs and flew off.

In the distance, a huge ray of light was visible. It came from the sky and started to shine. After that, the Gueyden castle appeared and began to descend, reaching the ground after a while.


When Alex, Kristina, Dorian and the dragons reached a huge meadow, right next to the border of Seyren, King Pinus was already waiting for them there.

"I am happy to see you here alive," he said, but when he looked again his heart stopped. "At least the ones who made it, I am so sorry. Haron was a wise man. I hope his spirit rests in Farsam. But now we need to discuss something very important."

Everyone looked at him without saying a word. The dragons took human form and began to look for any danger.

"Seyren fell." He was scared and his look was empty. "There is only one thing that can save us now." Everyone stared at him "The First Cloned."

"Was that was the book said?" Alex asked.

"Yes," he replied. "I had the honor to read it once. But unfortunately there is only one of the first cloned left. The dragon. All other couples of clones were lost in the first war for the sacred gifts."

"Where can we find him?" asked Dorian.

"Only one knows that. He lives in the lands of the goblins, and that is really far from here. A couple of kingdoms away from here. The name of the man is Emeth. You need to find him and ask him about the dragon."

Everyone nodded to his words.

"I am afraid I cannot help you much further," said the king.

"Please," said Alex. "I know this is not a great time, but why are all the essences so important? I missed acquiring those of the Nagas and the minotaurs. Both kings are now dead. Maybe I missed a huge opportunity."

"All races power the diamond without the book. But the power of the races can be gathered only by the heir. The Faceless One. But if one king dies... that means everything is lost."

"And who is the heir.. this Faceless One you all keep talking about?" Alex asked.

"You... probably," he paused, " You can turn without being born into a race. But no one knows for sure yet."

Seyren was lost. Towards them crawled the dark shadow of the spell Reim activated when he said those words back in the castle. There was only one way out of this. The dragon.

Soon, a huge shadow coming from the Gueyden castle overtook most of the territory of Seyren.

"Quick! Leave this land! The spell can't go beyond the borders of this kingdom," King Pinus said.

They went over the line, crossing the kingdom's border. The shadow was closing in. First it took King Pinus in. But when it reached the end of Seyren it stopped. The whole kingdom was dark.

"What the hell is this?" Alex kept on asking. "What are we going to do now?"

"Stop whining!" Kristina said. "We don't have much of a choice. We need to get to the goblins."

Soon the shadow faded away. When it disappeared completely, they saw King Pinus again. He was the same. But his eyes - they were dark, almost like they were a mirror into the nothingness. Black, empty.

"King Pinus?" Alex squeaked. She waved but there was no reaction. He turned around and started walking towards the Gueyden castle.

"Don't." Dorian's voice was quiet. "Just listen!"

"All hail Lorence and Reim! Saviors of our land!" King Pinus and his servants chanted over and over again.

"Long live the kings!" the people of Seyren yelled.

It was almost as if someone brainwashed them, turned them into puppets. Truth was, this is exactly what had happened. The people's only thought was how to serve the new kings.

Kristina just watched and could not believe what she saw. Dorian and Alex were frozen in their places and couldn't move. What they saw today was real. Seyren was under the control of the two magicians.

The curse was now in effect. It was too late. The prophecy was a lie.... no one saved Seyren. They stood there as everyone in Seyren chanted "Long live the kings!"

Hello guys! So the new update is up! Seyren is now under new control. What do you think? Alex was not able to collect all that was required, the kings died, so now the whole region is under new management. But there is little hope. They need to find "The First Cloned" But will that be enough??? 

Do you know all those answers yet? Tell me in the comments below. If you like my story, please vote! Next updates will answer some questions, but will leave you with even more. So stay tuned! New updates every week!

And on more thing. Who do you think the Faceless one is?  Is it Alex? And is the myth true? Tell me your thoughts in the comments! 

Thank you! 

J. Zermo

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