A New Nickname

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Dippers POV

The first few classes were normal. The teacher had me say my name in front of the whole class. I didn't have any classes with bill but we waved to each other in the hall. He was surrounded by a girl with short black hair with purple highlights. He was also with a boy who was tall. I mean really tall. He also had blonde hair but it was different. Bills hair had a brown undercut which made him stand out to me...as a friend of course.

"Hey bro bro hows your classes?" Mabel ran up behind me almost knocking me over.

"Fine." I answered getting my books for math...yay math was next. I was actually really good at math it just wasn't that entertaining.

"So I heard that you and that blonde whore talked?" Mabels voice spat out with anger that I haven't seen since...

"Mabel why would you call him that he is actually pretty nice." I scratched my neck feeling my cheeks warm up in embarrassment.

"Your...your-" Mabel was cut of by the bell and i shouted a goodbye as I ran to my next class.

Bill POV

I passed dipper every chance i got and my friends were starting to ask questions about who i've been waving to. I would just play it off as long as I could.

"Yo billy ya ready for math?!" Lydia yelled. She yelled a lot. It was just her wa of talking. I hated math. It was my worse subject and most hated class...

Until I walked in to see a cute new boy sitting in the chair next to my usual desk. He was writing something in his notebook when I sat down and saw him jump.

"Hey pine tree what are you writing?"
The boy shot me a fake smile and waved it off.

"How were your classes?" He gave me a weaker smile and scratched the back of his neck which made his shirt rise up to show his lower tummy.

"Your the new one kid but they were fine." Gosh how can this kid be cute and sexy at the same time?

"Yeah well im glad we have at least one class together. It will make this stupid subject better."

"Amen to that." Just then the teacher came in and welcomed Dipper. It was new student proticall. Then he started to talk about all the work and all the projects we were going to have threw the year.

The class was finally over and it was time for lunch. I wanted to ask the kid if he wanted to sit with me but he was being dragged away by some girl.

No this isn't jealousy it couldn't be we were just friends.

Dipper POV
Im so glad that bill was in my math class. It actually did help. When the bell rang i almost forgot about what period it was...lunch. Before I knew it i was being dragged away by Mabel.

"Mabe stop please." She was pulling on my wrists and i tried not to flinch at my wounds being ripped open. It was a good thing I had a dark hoodie.

"Sorry but you have to meet m friends plus I see you haven't made any of your own so you should sit with me!" She ran me to the table where all her friends were sitting.

I knew some... like Candy Grenda but there was a new guy who had long brown hair.

"This is Gaymando." Mabel grinned. "I know his name is weird right bro bro?" The boy didn't look fazed by the comment so i nodded. "Well its just his nickname...I don't actually know his real name." Mabel looked quite serious as she looked into the mans face. Which didn't move at all. Was he okay?

Then there was another boy. Candy was staring at him which was pretty obvious she had a little crush on him. He had golden hair but he was holding something that caught dippers attention. He was holding puppets.

"And this is Gabe Bensen." Mabel sighed. I guess he has all the ladies at the table. I mean sure he was hot but the puppets were a turn off for dipper even though he didn't even really want love or even look for someone right now. "And everyone this is my brobro dipstick...i mean dipper." She laughed and the whole table broke out in laughter. I was about to sit down when I heard a familiar voice call my...nickname.

"Pine tree." Thank god bill is here to save me. Maybe I wont have to talk to him as much. I walked over to where he sat with his girl friend sitting beside him.

"H-hey bill." I hope he'll let me sit here.

Then suddenly the girl popped out of her seat and I thought she was going to attack me but she hugged me.

"You must be Dip-pine tree!" She yelled. I nodded as she let me sit in her seat as she sat opposite of me. "I've heard so much about you. Billy cant shut up about how cute-"

"Lydia you should go and find Elliot. He would probably be by the cheerleaders." Bill sighed.

"Oh your no fun!" She whinned but went on her way. Bill looked up at me then.

"Don't listen to anything she says. She would do anything for fun nowadays. So where's your lunch?" Crap I totally forgot. How was I going to tell people about my... well sickness.

"Um i already had a big breakfast. Like it was really big so im good." He looked at me with doubt but then it went away as he relaxed.

"Well i have doritos if you want any." And he really did have tons of doritos. I think i found a nickname for him.

Mr. Dorito

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