The Truth

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Trigger Warning: abuse/cutting or thoughts of suicide.

When school was over. We all climbed back onto the bus. Except for I didn't see bill anywhere. I didn't see his friends which didn't even ride our bus. So I couldn't ask them where he was. The bus started to fill up and I was pushed to the back in front of Mabel.

"You think you can just take everyone's seat because your new?" A boy pushed me out of my seat. I went to sit down but h followed me to the next seat. "Your not welcome here stupid." All of a sudden he picked me up by my collar and threw me off of the bus. Then he punched me in the cheek which sent me to the ground holding my cheek. Why would this guy even hit me. I don't even know him. "Go back to where you came from freak!" When I stood up the bus driver was back in his seat and closing the doors.

That left me to walk. Great and im going to be late. I started to walk when just my luck it began to rain. The rain wasn't so bad until it started to pour and I couldn't see where I was. Then I ran into a tree and decided to wait there till the rain let up. After 15 minutes of sitting in the rain it finally let up. I could see and all I had to do was walk home run upstairs and lock my door. Easy. Besides stan shouldn't be home this early anyway. I just cant believe Mabel would just leave me.

I ran to the shack where there was a black car in the driveway.
'Fuck my life.' Its okay. Everything will be fine all I have to do is run. Plus Mabel will be in there. No one can hurt me unless Mabel's gone and she wouldn't just leave me...again.

I ran into the shack and was on my way up to my room when someone grabbed my backpack and threw me back onto the ground.

"What are you doing here so late kid?!" He yelled. He had a can of beer in his hand and I knew he was drunk.

"I got pushed of-" I was interrupted  by a fist to the face...again.

"Shut up I don't care. YOU WEREN'T HERE TO DO THE DISHES. YOU KNOW WHO HAD TO DO THEM?" I shook my head no. Terrified  of what he was about to do to me. "That sweet innocent kid Mabel had to do them!" He somewhat lowered his voice talking about her. "She got punished because of YOU!ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Suddenly he hit me in the head with the bottle and the glass shattered. Everything turned bad fast. He was beating me and the glass cut my face and skin. I could feel the glass in my hair and by my legs. It wasn't my fault was it? No hes right it was my fault. I did this. I shouldn't be here. He has a right to beat me.

After that I stopped trying to get away. I let him hit and punch my face till I passed out from the blood loss.

When I woke up I screamed in pain. My sides burned like hell. I looked down to see they were cut open by some sort of blade. This has happened before. I knew where I was. The basement. Stan would take me down here when he was extra mad at me. To punish me without Mabel or Ford knowing. I was five when he cut me for the first time. I never told anyone because of his threats. I looked around not seeing him anywhere. I decided to try and get up but this time he strapped me down. I was tied up?!?! This was the first time. Why would he do this he knew I wouldn't tell anyone.

"So how much do you want for him?" I heard a voice coming down the stairs.

"5 thousand. Im sure you will find him most helpful." That was stan's voice but who was he talking too. Then the two men came around the corner into my view. The stranger walked up to me and circled the bed I was strapped down to. Then I felt cold slimy hand touch my thigh.

"Get away from me you-" Stan ran up to me and slammed his hand over m mouth.

"As you can see he loves it rough." I bit his hand and he punched me in the jaw.

"Deal. One night. And I have other men im sure would pay a great sum of money for one too." They both went upstairs after stan ducktaped my mouth shut. I looked around to see my cell phone on the table next to me. I used my tied up hands to reach over and grab my phone. I scrolled to the only person that I thought could help me. Why would he want to help me though. What if he hates me. What if hes busy and cant help. What if he just wont answer.

All those things ran over and over in my mind as it was dialing his number.

"Hello?" His deep and entirely sexy voice spoke into the phone making him sound even deeper.

I opened my mouth but remembered the tape on my mouth. I set the phone down and went to grab the tape and rip it off. Then I put the phone back up to my ear.

"Look if this is a prank call from Lydia's friends then-"

"Bill..." Was all I could get out. My side was hurting even more now. "It h-hu-rts." I started t cough up blood.
"Dipper tell me where you are?!" His voice seemed worried.

"I-i..." I coughed up more blood.

"Dipper please your scarring me. Where are you. Im coming just hang on and text me your address!" He sounded like he was crying. Was he crying because of me?

That was the last thing I remembered thinking when I passed out from another cough of blood.

Note: sorry this is probably gonna be a longer chapter if you don't like that sorry.

Bill's POV
I was woken up by a buzzing next to m ear. I fell asleep watching anime again. It took me awhile to realize someone was calling me. It was an unknown number. I really hope this isn't a prank from Lydia.

"Hello?" No response. I heard the phone on the other end drop and a ripping noise. "Look if this is a prank call from Lydia's friends then-"

"Bill-" I was cut off by a weak voice. Dipper's voice. He sounded hurt and I didn't know what to do." It h-hu-rts." My heart stopped. When I heard him cough. He was coughing something up. Was that... no was he coughing up blood?!

"Dipper tell me where you are!?!" I practically jumped up and ran down stairs. I was very worried.

"I-i-" he coughed again. It was worse. Im freaking out. How am I going to find him if he cant tell me. Is he going to die?!?!

"Dipper please your scarring me. Where are you?!?" I started to cry. I cant do anything unless he tells me. "Im coming just hang on and text me your address!" Silence. No! Did he faint or... No I cant think like that. Not when he needs me. I hung up and waited for his text.

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